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Too much reality?

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    Too much reality?

    Hello all, hope your having a good day. I'd like to adress the emotional rollercoaster aspect of this disease. Since my diagnosis10 mos ago, I have attempted to attend 3 public ms events. Each time, due to non-medical circumstances beyond my control, I couln't attend. I'm beginning to think that I'm not meant to attend. Seeing others in person with ms in varying stages of progression, wheelchairs, walkers, blindness, (the list goes on) maay not be good for me to see at this point, or maybe even never. I fluctuate between wanting to know all there is, and wanting to bury my head in the sand. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss,a fact I've learned through experience.Any thoughts on this would be very insightful to me, and thoroughly appreciated, peace

    Hello Superunknown

    Welcome to the Forums at MS World.

    Seeing others in person with ms in varying stages of progression, wheelchairs, walkers, blindness, (the list goes on) maay not be good for me to see at this point, or maybe even never. I fluctuate between wanting to know all there is, and wanting to bury my head in the sand. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss,a fact I've learned through experience.Any thoughts on this would be very insightful to me, and thoroughly appreciated, peace
    I really think that everyone has their own unique way of handling situations such as this. It may take some time to accept and deal with these types of realities. Please be patient with yourself.

    In my experience, beginning as a teenager, I worked for 10years in a nursing facility, seeing all types of illnesses and disabilities. My Dad died of a terminal illness when I was young. I took care of my Mom who had early onset Alzhiemer's at 59 years of age. So I have no fear or queasiness (not sure of the right word!) of seeing persons with disabilities, or of accepting the realities of our often-times vulnerable bodies (including my own diagnosis of PPMS).

    But I know that many people do have a difficult time with this type of thing, and it often takes some time to accept. Also, I'm sure that you are aware that many persons with MS lead normal/near normal lives with little disability. It's best to take each day as it comes, living one day at a time, and not getting too wrapped up or stressed about the unknown future.

    Feel free to come here and share those fears. We have very supportive and understanding members. Maybe some of our members who are having similar difficulties will share their experiences.

    Also, feel free to ask questions and we'll be glad to help if we can!

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Hi. I was dxd 11 years ago but I do understand what you mean about burying your head in the sand. I went to a few meetings at the beginning and met some very nice people. I did though have a problem with the disabilities is my face. I don't have a problem with people with disabilities in general it was just being face to face with what could happen to me. My brain tells me this is a unnatural attitude for me but it is what it is. I love this site. The people and so nice and helpful and I don;t have to SEE the problems. Maybe someday I will again try meetings but not now. Take one day at a time and do what feels right for you.

      I'll keep you in my thoughts.

      Weebles wobble but they don't fall down (much)


        Originally posted by webbles 989898 View Post
        I went to a few meetings at the beginning and met some very nice people. I don't have a problem with people with disabilities in general it was just being face to face with what could happen to me.
        Webbles, you put into words what I have experienced.

        The attitude of a person really affects whether or not I want to spend time around them....................a MS disabled or any person with a great attitude and outlook doesn't pose a problem for me........but a MS disabled or any person with a horrible attitude and outlook makes me want to run very fast away from them !!!!
        Since MS came into my life I am a little pickier about whom I choose to spend time with !!!!!!!!! I can't control the attitude of others ( I used to think I could) but I can control or limit my time with them !!!!
        You will find a balance and what works for you........I like this forum because I can get on when I am looking for answers or advice.......or I can hide my head in the sand when I need to.
        Happy Day !

