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Another member to this club we're all apart of.

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    Another member to this club we're all apart of.

    I didn't really expect to post on here but since I got home from work yesterday. I started reading thru my Tec paper work I figured why not. I know I'll have questions and this seems like the perfect place.

    Well I am a Male. Was Diagnosed on December 18th 2014. I have about a dozen lesions on my brain and a half dozen it seems on my upper neck/spine. Took well over a year to get diagnosed.. Seems that part is normal. My life of only going to the doctor when I was really bad off I am sure lead to my late discovery.

    My symptoms started with tingling and numbness. First lower half then up to my chest and hands. I started dropping stuff and then was losing my balance just walking around my place. In September of 2014 I must of had a relapse because I lost almost all use of my arm and this is when I started calling doctors every day. By December when I was getting into my Neuro my arm came back. After MRI until MRI discussion/diagnosis my right leg went...

    I was sent for a round of steroids for 5 days and I was walking again by day 3. Just last week I could jog again. My legs still are messed up. My hands are still messed up. Typing is out the door. Walking without constant thought on my steps is out the door. Honestly inside I am a walking talking case of ready to go off and die alone somewhere.

    On my next Neuro trip.. I was prescribed Gabopentin 600mg twice a day for my constant back and calf pain. Seems to be working wonders for me. When the pain begins in the after noon is when I take my next pill. Sure beats the 3 weeks of sitting on a heating pad for 3 hours a day. Also I was prescribed Tecfidera for my little gift from above.

    After 6 weeks and 1 day I received my first box. Never would of guessed how many 45 minute phone calls I would have to make to have this day come. Luckily I qualified for the assistance and it will be fully covered. So today I will take my first pill. I have waived / signed / cursed every right to my own body away to take this pill but I know there are many other options if this doesn't work out.

    So that is my condensed story.. The stage in this acceptance is still a real struggle. I can accept I have it but I have no one to blame. I have been going back and fourth with blaming myself or just going in the godly route.

    This disease makes me
    walk drunk, type slow, Blink constantly trying to clear my head. Forget words in sentences, forget things at work. Make bathroom trips a dire emergency every time I have to go.

    And finally it has gotten into the bedroom with my wife.

    Thanks for reading.

    Thanks for joining the party. Hang on it's going to be a bumpy ride.


      uli1515: Welcome to MS World! Sorry for the reason you have to be here but we are good people. Your post made me laugh, are you from the south like me? If not you sure can imitate it.

      It takes a while to accept having any major trauma in your life and this disease is certainly a trauma. Most people say it take really a good two years for you to really accept that grief and can begin to move on. So until then keep moving until you can think about it without wanting to throw up. Honestly that thought will come back from time to time throughout your disease, it just will not be so raw.

      As far as the feeling symptoms part, you can have symptoms last even after the Solumedrol because of damage that the lesion did. Are you on anything for spasticity? The reason I ask is because I also have several spinal lesions and have wicked pain in my legs mostly from them being spastic (not bending or moving well), so I take an insane dose of Baclofen for it and my pain goes away along with the leg tightness and back tightness. I walk WAY better even though I use a walker with that medication. You may be able to jog again if you were on it.

      Another thing is that it would be good to get evaluated by a physical therapist that has worked with MS patients.

      Look around the site, ask and answer questions, and check out the chat rooms too!

      Take care
      We are glad you are here
      Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
      SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


        No I am from up in the Northwest in Oregon.

        Only prescribed pill I am taking is Tecfidera and Gabapentin.

        I am jogging again only if it is at rate of which I am not used to. I sort of look like Bambi after her first few steps.

        Yea PT may be right down the road for me. Thanks for the kind words. On the bright side my grandmother purchased me a Nutribullet to get over this MS non sense. I told the wife thank god I have this now so I can get healthy. :/ Well on to the next miracle drug.. My mom is sending me some lotion I heard in the mail. Maybe ill send it back with saying cured and move on.

