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The saddest person you will ever meet...

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    The saddest person you will ever meet...

    My story I a very long and tragic tale of failure. I don’t know if anyone will take the time to read it but here it goes.

    I was diagnosed with MS in 2012 but my tale begins a few years before that.
    In 2006 I met a man that would change my life forever, but not in a good way. I thought he was the man of my dreams, but he was every nightmare I had rolled up in one. This man told me he had testicular cancer and couldn’t have kids. This was great for me. I never wanted kids, I just wanted to begin my career, have a stable job with insurance and paid vacation time. I had that job, I loved it! Then it all came crashing down. I became pregnant . I was devastated, I didn’t want a child. I wanted my career. The pregnancy failed at 6 weeks, I was more relieved and sad. Feeling this way made me depressed. How could I be happy about the failure of an unwanted pregnancy?

    For reasons that are still unclear to me I stayed with this horrible man and later married him. Again, I became pregnant…I was once again devastated. The second pregnancy was horrible. I was sick everyday and extremely tired. At week 14 I lost my 2nd pregnancy. I failed, I tried and once again failed to accomplish the task that millions of women do every day. I began to feel more and more like a failure and more and more exhausted. The exhaustion took over, I was calling into work, and I was depressed.

    My boss put me on medical leave…it broke my heart to leave my job I loved so much. Next my husband has a heart attack at age 33. (He was a heavy smoker.) I couldn’t go to the hospital I just lost my daughter there…I couldn’t risk being there I was sure my presence would cause another death. My mental state was not good. I stayed confused and tired. Everyone thought I was faking being tired. I knew something was wrong but I couldn't explain anything. I was SO confused…too much was happening. I didn’t have anyone to ask for support.

    I slept through my husbands double bypass surgery. He felt that was unforgivable. I felt horrible about myself, i was once again a failure. He lied to me about so much and I stayed with him but he thought what I did was unforgivable. All of my friends stopped talking to me. They didn’t ask me what was going on everyone saw me as the worst person in the world. The person that abandoned he husband.

    So I am out of friends, everyone took my ex-husbands side. My parents want nothing to do with me because I married outside of their religion and then became divorced. So I going through a divorce and then my dog was diagnosed with cancer (2009). I pour all my money into saving my dog. He is my last friend.
    Then an old friend comes around. I think she is a true friend. but I was fooled. She just used me for drug money. When my money ran out so did she. I asked her to please be there when I lost my dog but she wasn’t able. It was too early in the morning for her. So, that was the last friendship I tried to build. Why waste my effort on the impossible. no one could ever like me.

    Now, I have two failed pregnancies, my husband had a heart attack and is filing for divorce (2009), my best friend is using me for money, my parents broke all contact with me because I don’t worship their god. My brothers, their wives and my niece are all gone in an instant. My dog has cancer and has to go once a week for treatment. All my friends have sided with my ex-husband. I go to a therapist once a week and waste $40 she tells me I need to be in a hospital environment. I can’t do that, who will take care of my dog or my cats?

    My dog passes away and no one is there for me. No one to give me a hug, no one to cry with me, no shoulder to lean on…everyone is gone. Therapist refuses to see me again unless I check myself into a hospital. I refuse because who will take care of my cats? She drops me as a client but assures me she will stay in contact. She doesn’t. If a medical professional can’t be trusted who can?

    Now I am depressed alone and the summer of 2010 brings extreme balance problems. I am dizzy, I am extremely confused… I am dealing with an attorney but I can’t remember anything. I am angry my husband is doing this to me. I don’t know My balance improves, my energy kind of returns. I move into a new place in 2010.
    I have a new BF. He is really nice and we have a lot in common. 2011 comes on with a vengeance, I am exhausted all the time, I am dizzy. I figure it must be a blood sugar thing. (I stopped eating while I was going through the divorce. ) My doctor sent me to physical therapy to help with “feeling like I was in a boat”. I did that for a while then had an MRI done. After the MRI I got the call not to back to physical therapy it was probably MS.

    I scheduled an appointment with a neurologist. He did a lumbar puncture and it showed I did have MS. I was devastated (2012). What the heck is MS and why do I have it? I reached out to my parents and my mother called me “depressing” and didn’t want to talk to me again because I don‘t believe in their god. Why would she do that? My own mother turned her back on me. My father, they all want nothing to do with me.

    I decided not to go on DMM’s in the beginning. I kept thinking why? Who would care? I researched MS a little and found out it probably wouldn’t kill me very fast. So I tried to speed up the process and I tried to kill myself and failed twice. Why was I given this crummy life? No one wants to be friends with a sick girl. I have proof. No one wants to be around a depressed person either. I have proof of that two. I developed agoraphobia and extreme social anxiety. I can’t go to the store without thinking everyone is watching me and laughing at me. So going to any group, anything, is not possible for me. I can’t afford the co-pay for a therapist. I don’t know what to do.

    So now I am completely alone with the exception of a BF that doesn’t like displaying any affection . Feels very lonely. I try to talk to him and he just says “I don’t know, I don’t know what you’re going through.”

    I decided to start taking Tecfidera, (2014) I haven’t had any major side effects but I ask myself. Why am I taking this stuff? It isn’t going to help me feel better. It may help me keep my may not...

    I question why I wake up everyday…I don’t care about me, no one else does so why should I wake up? I don’t want to wake up anymore.

    So that is me, the saddest person you will ever meet…

    lyssa_doo ~ WE care about you! Anyone contemplating suicide, even if only for an instant, should call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Professionals that can help are available 24/7. PLEASE call! It's free and 100% confidential

    Sad but strong!

    You have certainly had a rough few years and I am sorry for that. Your life story also speaks of your strength. You are worth more than you or any of the non supportive people have given you credit for.

    Find whatever you need to keep going, you will get through this. You are strong. You will find things that you love again.

    Hang in there! Keep posting, you are not alone!



      "So now I am completely alone with the exception of a BF that doesn’t like displaying any affection . Feels very lonely. I try to talk to him and he just says “I don’t know, I don’t know what you’re going through.”
      i can`t do anything about the affection, but what he said about not being able to relate is spot on! i always say that "you don`t get it until you get it". if he is willing, the national MS society (National MS Society and Find Local MS Chapter )
      they have alot of info that you can request, i`d start there.

      good luck


        Hi lyssa_do,

        Welcome to MSWorld! I'm glad you joined us. But I'm sorry for your MS dx, sadness, and all you've endured the past few years. This is a wonderful site full of many caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable members. It's also the place so many of turn to not only for information, but support from those who really do "get it." Like HuntOP said, no one can truly understand what it's like to live with MS unless they have it, too. Feeling isolated and alone with MS, unfortunately, is not all that uncommon.

        Please remember you are NOT a failure. You've just had people in your life that have failed you. I'm really sorry about that. For your boyfriend, a book often recommended is called "MS for dummies." If he's open to reading it, that might help give him some perspective of what you are going through.

        Here is a link to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America: Here's also one to our resource center: Maybe you could also share some of the info with your boyfriend? There's also a chat room here that is open 24/ 7 (some times are busier than others). It's not the same as being face to face, but has helped me when I've needed someone live to "talk" to.

        Hugs ,

        “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


          bless your heart! you've certainly had a rough time of it.
          losing babies, whether before or after they're born is hard. i had 1 miscarriage in the very early stages.
          i can't imagine how you must feel with 2 and so much further along.

          it seems like a lot has been piled on you. but you aren't a failure! losing those babies wasn't something you did.
          being depressed and sick and disabled is certainly not something you did or chose to have!

          it's awful how your family has treated you. i've learned that sometimes you have to choose your family. if you've tried to reconcile with them and they won't, then don't beat yourself up. you've tried, it's not your fault.

          i don't know what god or religion you're referring to that your parents believe in, but you don't.
          i hope you don't mind if i pray for you.
          God hears prayers and hates seeing people so hurt and broken.
          i pray that you find healing, peace and love.
          take care & 'hold tight' as my grandbaby loves to say.

          it may be a rough ride now, but hopefully it'll smooth out soon.

          take care & God bless ya,
          "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


            Thank you

            Thank you for the words of encouragement. I have never thought of myself as strong. I have cried so much over everything I just saw myself as weak.

            Thank you for all of the links to the great resources. I will be getting a copy of "MS for dummies" in the mail soon. May be my BF will read it, may be he won't. All I can do is ask.

            Thank you again for the positive posts


              I don't know why some of have so many more hardships than others. It often seems very unfair. And when bad things happen in life, it's easy to get depressed or anxious (as in my case). Please don't look at yourself as a failure. Just because you have been through a lot of devastating things in your life, does not make you a failure.

              Just to try and relate to what you have gone through, I had leukemia at age 19, had a bone marrow transplant and then relapse again of the leukemia and then more treatment. This left me unable to have children. Been through some other medical things and this had left me with a horrible medical anxiety that rules my life of what's the next disease that's going to hit me. I'm in therapy for this. I also have some strange symptoms now with lesion on frontal lobe but is atypical of MS lesion and have not been diagnosed with MS so I'm a limbo lander.

              My whole point in sharing my story is I can relate to having tragedy in life and things happening that are painful (physically and mentally). You do matter, your life matters and you are not a failure. These are things that happened in your life and even though you may not think so, YOU ARE A STRONG PERSON.

              Keep posting and keep your chin up


                keep your head up

                Hang in there you need to know you are worth it!


                  under every line of your story I see someone keeps going. That's strong. I know how hard it is to reach out & tell a painful story, but you did. Well, you've got us now. We're all in this lovely MS mess together. Keep taking your Tec. I've just started Aubagio. It's up to us to take care of us. We're family now. Stay in touch.
                  "Hope for the best and plan for the worst. That way, all your surprises will be pleasant."
                  Verin Mathwin, The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan


                    You couldn't accomplish what women do every day. So what? It's a blessing you don't have children with this man. If you did You would never get rid of him. You were good at your job. That was your calling in life.

                    Getting MS wasn't in any of our plans. I sure understand sleeping through your husband's bypass surgery. That's what MS does. I think most of us have experienced that unwakable sleep. So I hope you can give yourself a break for that social fault pa. It wasn't your fault. MS was starting to work in your sleep.

                    It hasn't been that long since 2006. It may seem like your whole life but, to me, it seems like just yesterday. You are a winner. You have a boyfriend and you are here.


                      Thank you

                      I never thought I would ever read so many words of encouragement. I have been living with all of this pain and feeling of being a lesser human being for years.

                      It is incredible to know I have people that can relate to sadness and not tell me to "Get over it".

                      I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone that posted. I could never find the words of how much everyone's reply made me feel.

                      No one ever took the time to listen to me until I posted here. I'm crying right now... but not because I am sad it is because I found support and compassion. Thank you again for every post. Big hugs to all of you


                        I am sorry that you have had a rough few years. You are one strong person for hanging in there with everything that you went through the past few years.

                        Let me let you in on a little secret; everyone who has MS has at some point in their life been too fatigued to make it to an import life event such as your ex-spouse's surgery. I missed my son's college graduation because of MS. I missed my niece's college graduation and her wedding because of MS.

                        Most of my family and friends understand that sometimes I am unable to make it to every commitment because of MS. I explain to everyone in my close circle of friends and family that I can't predict every day that I will be able to get out of bed. The people in my life who love me understand and don't get mad if I have to cancel on a commitment that I made. The people who don't understand are not your true friends.

                        I hope things start working out for you!


                          Lyssa, any one of these things you've been through would be enough to cause depression. Be your own best friend, don't judge yourself for making bad decisions, or not being able to see the future. We all do the best with what we have at the time. I also married someone whom I should never have been with in the first place, and I even knew it at the time. ! It did not end well.

                          Regarding your current BF - not sure any one (particularly our man companions!, no offense to any men reading, I love you ...) can understand our journeys of illness, let alone the emotions around it. This is a journey for one, but you are not really alone because there are hundreds of thousands of us.

                          So glad you shared, it helped me and I hope it helped you!
                          DX'd MS 8/17/05
                          God never closes a door without at least cracking open a window.

