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New and about to start the road to diagnosis

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    New and about to start the road to diagnosis

    Hi all,

    I've joined because, as much as they tell you not to research symptoms on the net, I have done that with my worsening symptoms and it has led me to MS...

    I have a history of swallowing issues and have had stuff stuck in my throat (started when I was 14) enough to where I once had to get an emergency endoscopy to push it through. I've had a barium swallow and biopsies...finally they said it was eosinophilic esophagitis. It takes me forever to eat because I have to take a drink after every bite.

    As a graduate teaching assistant in 2011 I suddenly felt extremely fatigued all the time, which I noticed while setting in a lecture, and was subsequently diagnosed with a "textbook case" of mono at my university clinic.

    Since the mono I graduated and went to work at an environmental consulting firm. During that time, I was often fatigued and in a brain fog; I had a hard time understanding instructions no matter how easy they were. My muscles were often tight and I started to have issues with speaking normally...long pauses in the middle of a sentence, losing simple words, etc. Always chalked it up to anxiety and eventually saw my GP and a Psychologist and got a diagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder and ADD.

    Was laid off last year due to a company-wide lack of work. Until just a couple of months ago I had no full-time work, but have been busy working on projects and getting experience doing things I never would have been able to do otherwise.

    Since my GAD and ADD diagnoses, I've been taking Citalopram (for Anxiety) and Vyvanse (for ADD) and they have helped immensely! The Vyvanse makes the fatigue more manageable and gets me motivated to actually do things I want to do. Occasionally when I forget to take it though, I have a hard time functioning and just want to sleep all whole body feels like lead.

    Lately my fatigue seems to be overwhelming the meds and I sleep a lot and then have a hard time getting out of bed. My legs, butt, chest, and shoulders are always tight. I can no longer multi-task without spending a significant amount of time remembering where I was earlier. I often have to struggle to focus my eyes. I'm certain my SO is frustrated with my inability to tell a story or remember little details ("so did your mom say who she has to get a Christmas gift for this year?" "Yeah, but...I don't remember.")

    I'm constantly running into things or stubbing my toe, like my depth perception and balance is declining. There are other symptoms too...constant yawning, total inability to regulate body temp in heat, etc...

    I've been able to deal with all this up until now, but the fact that I feel like I'm getting dumber and can't communicate correctly with people is really getting to me. I have an appointment with my GP on Friday and will likely request a referral to a neurologist if one isn't offered...

    Apologies for the wall of text and thanks for reading if you can get through all of it! I know I would say "tl;dr"! I know I might not have MS, but this seemed like a good community to speak about my frustrating symptoms either way.

    Hello marbie and welcome to MSWorld.

    I'm not really sure why you have come to the conclusion you are dealing with MS as it doesn't sound like you have even discussed your symptoms with a Dr as of yet

    Have you considered medications as a reason for your symptoms? Have you spoken with your prescribing Dr. as to the possibility? If not you may want to do so.

    Information about and side effects for Citalopram:

    Information about and side effects for Vyvanse:

    Best wishes
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic



      Hi Snoopy, thanks for your reply!

      Sorry, let me clarify... I have talked to my Dr about these symptoms before and not that long ago. They were there before starting on meds. Nothing really ever went away, the meds just took the edge off so I could function "normally". They have progressed enough now that I feel as though this is something beyond anxiety/ADD. Again, I know I could be way off, but my combo of symptoms relate to many of the ones here and led me join and post this intro..

      I'll definitely ask about med side effects when I talk to my Dr this week!


        Thanks for the clarification, marbie

        Please keep in mind there is no symptoms which are unique to Multiple Sclerosis as there are numerous other causes which have similar symptoms as MS.

        The diagnostic process can take time and patience. I do hope MS is not the cause of your symptoms
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


          Hi and welcome to the boards. I can tell that you have been through the ringer with these symptoms. I think that you need to get the whole battery of tests to get a good diagnosis. Keep in mind that an MS diagnosis is one that is made after many other things have been excluded. I would ask for a referral to a neurologist. But if you are diagnosed with MS, get in to consult with an MS specialist . Do not make the mistake I made and settle for a 'general' neurologist. Good luck


            Thanks, Jerry!

            I'm definitely not looking for a Dr. to tell me I have MS without running a bunch of tests first. I just want to find out what's going on so I don't feel so crazy/dumb all the time! Unfortunately I often feel like I'm being rushed out of the Dr. office and can't really speak my whole mind. I'm sure everyone has had that before

            Luckily where I live there are a few MS specialists at my hospital's neurology department if it comes to that.

            I came down with a cold yesterday and have a mild fever (my temp is normally below average) and during the night I had to use the restroom 4/5 times, but didn't do anything different than normal before going to bed. I normally go once or twice, but never 4/5. Is this kind of nocturia common to have for a cold? I've never experienced it before...

