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    My Aunt has MS. She was first diagnosed with CFS for 15 years. I have been diagnosed with CFS. But recently I had TM. I have a demylinating lesion in brain that has changed in size recently. I am having difficulty ambulating or functioning without steroids since the TM.
    My neurologist said I have no input which means what I just wait until I have more attacks that are consistent with MS? also I have excruciating spinal pain, dizziness,bladder and bowel difficulties. If I have another attack of not being able to lift my legs and temperature changes in chest to legs what is best go to a new neurologist or the hospital? This has changed my life drastically. On my best day I can get to a 2 on a scale of 1-10 . TM put me on the negative side so I am thankful I am on the positive my regular doctor wants me go pursue finding an MS Specialist.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.


      Sorry to hear that your neuro is so dismissive of your symptoms and is taking a "wait and see" approach. I would definitely take your regular dr's advice and seek out an MS Specialist.

      I would encourage you to do this sooner rather than later as it is difficult to get in to be seen on an initial visit. When you call to make an appt, I would tell them exactly what your symptoms are--they may be able to get you in sooner.

      If you experience more symptoms before seeing the new neuro, call that office and tell them and see what they advise. They may try to squeeze you in or may advise you to go to the hospital.

      Good luck and I hope that you're able to get some answers soon!

