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    I'm a new member, though I've had MS since the 1970s.

    For most of my adulthood I've been able to work around it, but recently, secondary progressive MS has nibbled at my ability to function without a cane.

    Everyone with MS I know has had a different strategy for coping with the disease. Mine was not to tell anyone but husband and kids. That worked for me until I took Avonex and had a negative experience with the flu-like side effects.

    For me, MS has definitely been a moveable feast: coming, going semi-predictably. This summer, the weather was hard to take. I've found some good tips on various MS sites so I'll be looking for that kind of post. Thanks to everyone who keeps a thread going!

    Welcome to MSWorld, terith It's nice to meet you!

    You have had MS for a long time now and it's sounds like it has been a mild course until recently. You are fortunate! I have SPMS also - having lived with this for 25 years this summer. Things for me didn't hit the harder course until 7 years ago or so.

    Are you still on Avonex?

    Feel free to go exploring through all the forums, the reference center, the creative center, etc - check us out! We also have live chat times and I've heard they can be fun and informative as well. We are an open, friendly group of people here with a wellspring of knowledge and we're glad to have you here!
    1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
    Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


      Hi Terith,

      Welcome to the group! Wow, you have had MS for a long time.

      Was Avonex the first medicine you tried? Have you ever tried taking Tylenol or Advil before taking Avonex? If it doesn't agree with you, talk to your doctor about another type of medicine.

      I am taking Rebif now and doing better but before was on Copaxone. The doc switched me because it was not as effective in cutting down frequency of relapses.

      In the beginning with Rebif (first month), I would get some chills, muscle aches or a slight temperature but now things have normalized. Taking Tylenol helped me greatly to cut down on these initial symptoms.

      Hope you find something that works much better for you.

      Take care!

