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    Hello all

    Wow so here I am. I have read a lot of post on here and now deciding to step out. I was recently diagnosed with MS November '13 and must say it's was one of the hardest news I have had to deal with but think I'm taking it in stride now. I'm 34 an ICU nurse pretty healthy work out 3 to 4x a week. Currently taking copaxone 3x a week and it's going. So don't know what else to say except for hello all say hi to the new guy

    Hi tHouston34,

    Welcome to the group! This site is very helpful and has a lot of people who care and can relate. It struck me what you wrote because I also got diagnosed in Nov 2013. I have RRMS and presently taking Rebif which is going well.

    I am finally in more of the 'acceptance stage' of this disease but it is challenging especially on days I do not feel good.

    However, glad you posted!



      Hi - I'm so glad that you took the time to tell us about yourself.

      Hearing those words are a bit of a shocker aren't they! But I think many of us can tell you that MS is "doable" Many people live fairly normal lives with MS. Of course we are all different, have different symptoms and our journeys are different as well.

      I did want to let you know that we have a forum for Health Care Professionals - if you have any questions along those lines, this might be a good spot for you. Here is the link to that forum:

      I hope that you explore the site and take advantage of all the wonderful resources that we have to offer to our members.

      Nice to meet you!



        I've read posts for years now and just decided to join today. I've had RRMS since 9/1999 and have been on only 3 treatments, beta seron, Tysabri and now Gilenya. My JCV got up to 1.19 and I had to quit the Tysabri which was almost like a cure for me. I started Gilenya yesterday but am not hopeful about it. I was able to work as an RN up until May of 2014 when I had a major relapse and found out I can't have Tysabri anymore. Now the disease has resurfaced and I'm on disability. I see my MD in 2 weeks and will ask to be retested for JCV again. Hopefully it will be lower. Thanks,




          I too want to welcome you to the most wonderful site. I tried a couple in between and by FAR this is the BEST!!! I was just diagnosed in June and have found this site so educational, wonderful caring people and the freedom to be honest and not have to worry about what others think. I mean that with respect because the more people I tell the more they just dont GET IT!!!! So I've been selective. I will be honest sometimes when I read some of the posts I get a bit choked up and then have to rest a day or two from it.
          I hope you find what your'e looking for and ask questions.
          Being new myself the first two weeks I wore myself out with questions. LOL

          My best......
          Susie Q

          Diagnosed 6-28-14
          Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller~


            Thanx for the warm welcome and the responses it makes it easier knowing others are in the boat with you cuz at times it feels lonely like others don't really understand. Thanx again


              Hi there! I'm on the copax 3 x a week too and I love it.
              Aitch - Writer, historian, wondermom. First symptoms in my teens, DX'd in my twenties, disabled in my thirties. Still the luckiest girl in the world.

