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    Been effected by MS through a former boyfriend. He lived a 'normal' life and was always trying so hard, but you could tell some days were harder than others. Now that we are faced with so much crisis in the U.S. with healthcare it's people like him that have led me and others to be passionate about healthcare and to try and find some way to fix it once and for all. Mostly here in this forum and many other healthcare forums to try and understand the daily struggles, the treatments, prognosis, emotions and financial pressures of living with a lifelong disease or illness that is difficult for others to understand who aren't living with it or know someone who is.


    Hey there, Welcome to the forum. I was diagnosed in 2008 for RRMS. Like everyone here I am trying to get along with the wonderful disease. (pardon the sarcastic statement there) There isn't much not to be sarcastic about when it comes to MS, plus it is away I can laugh, a little dark humor on the side can make life go a long way.
    "You can only be young once. But you can always be immature."

