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Hi possible ms

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    Hi possible ms

    Hi , I am a 37 yr old gal with fibro. So I have been chalking up my symptoms to that. But it has gotten ridiculous now. I am waiting for a Neuro appt and I am scared as hell. My symptoms include, Memory problems , not being able to learn new things,having trouble holding conversations, remembering where i am driving etc..not just once an a while but allll day long. stabbing muscle spasms so bad i can not stand up, headaches, numbness even in face, muscle weakness, clumsiness , trouble walking straight and not into things, slowed reactions when deciding what to do , say at a yellow light, its as if the signals get lost going from brain to leg, tremors,dizziness, and i have had random times my eyes hurt when looking to the side , and twice a year ago woke up and couldnt see outta my eye. Just want to talk with others , get opinions,etc thx sara

    Hi Sara: You have a lot of symptoms, some of which fit MS, some can be due to anything. The best thing to do when preparing for your neurology appointment is to write down your symptoms in a sensible way.

    Neurologists are sticklers for dates and times. Write down as near as you can when your first symptoms started, what they were, and how long they lasted. MS symptoms generally last >24 hours to be considered an attack (exacerbation), and then must have a clear end to them (some people have residual effects but far less than with the attack) and then there must be 30 days between then and when new symptoms start.

    So what I am saying is in general symptoms that do not last >24 hours are generally not counted as important. So keep your journal for those symptoms. The cognitive stuff can hang around and become a daily thing so write that down as daily but be clear as to when it started as best as you can remember.

    Bring all of your bloodwork that has been done to this point, any MRIs of your brain/spine.

    For now, just try not to freak out about it. You have done well dealing with it, you will make it to your neurology appointment. If at any point you think your symptoms are too bad, you can always go to the ER (although sometimes they tend to go down the stroke route first).

    Best of luck to you and keep us posted. There is a limbo landers portion of our boards that may interest you, and a patiently waiting chat on Wednesday nights at 8pm EST.

    Take care
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      You have already been dealing with these symptoms. Giving it a name shouldn't have you scared. You sound pretty tough!

      And if you do get a MS dx, then you can get help with your symptoms.

      As 22cyclist said, write everything down. Because you WILL forget something when you are in the office.

