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And hit a few bumps along the way…

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July 10, 2024, we celebrated the goodness of these past 28 years. With a heavy heart, we will be ending our services.

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We thank all for your support.

MSWorld's website will close on October 16, 2024.

“I personally want to wish all of you the guidance to find this type of support, as so many do here. Also, my prayers and love extends beyond my understanding. It has been a pleasure to steward this journey.”

God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

we leave knowing that
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Attempting to understand what is next

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    Attempting to understand what is next

    Back on August 5th 2013 my life as usual changed for now... I was giving a lecture at work and my left eye went out of focus. Went to the Emergency Room for a stroke work up, it was negative of course however following a stat CT/MRI identified multiple lsions on the brain. Placed on high dose steroids and following 5 months my vision has returned only to have another episode on December 12, 2013 in the right eye.

    I am having sensory issues as well in my hands and fingers despite not having identified lesions on the spine...does that make sense? Heat tears me up, hot showers, working out, etc seems to put me in a whirlwind of lethargy, a quick rest of about an hour or so gets me rejuvenated and back at it.

    Started Copaxone this week despite not having that defined second occurrence yet... Should I feel relieved, not sure but at least I am being proactive about it and trying to head off what's next

    ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    Being proactive and getting on a DMD is the only control that I feel that I have in this. The rest is a toss up. I have only been dx for a year and am still getting adjusted to what it is. I hope that you do great on the Copaxone. This is a good place to get your questions answered or at least some moral support.


      Hello. Not a doctor, but from what I understand eyesight and sensory stuff (tingling, numbness) are associated with brain lesions. Limps, dropping feet etc are due to spinal lesions.

      I have both!

      Good luck. In my case it was 13-ish years before things went south.


        Please google vit D and MS- definitely worth taking if you are "lucky" enough to be CIS and not MS, though I thought that two occurrences separated in time clinched the deal.
        Check out overcomingmultiplesclerosis web site with Dr. George Jelinek, the Rocky Mtn. MS Center and the UK MS society web sites- good info.
        If it´s any comfort, having visual sx as your first episode bodes better than more than one type of sx and even with one type of sx, the visual is the "best" of the worst.
        I´ve become a bone broth with turmeric fan and noticed a difference.
        Take care


          WELCOME TO MS WORLD! We are very glad to have you here, but we are sorry why you need to be here.

          As far as your different issues go, everyone`s MS is unique. Many of us share some symptoms but no one can tell you what is going to happen down the road, including your doctor.

          What many will tell you is that you need to live each day to its fullest (and I agree with them). Do everything you can, and have fun doing so! Best of luck to you
          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001




            Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom... It is very much appreciated. I have always been a visionary in solving issues but this has been a mystery... A little frustrating but certainly not something that cannot be overcome.
            I have learned a long time ago to reach out and learn from the wise! Thanks Again.

