


We began with a mission and purpose to help others living with MS.

We were excited to get going!

And hit a few bumps along the way…

However, in all seriousness, we remain grateful for our amazing volunteers, members & all who have made MSWorld a valuable resource for all!

July 10, 2024, we celebrated the goodness of these past 28 years. With a heavy heart, we will be ending our services.

We need a financial miracle to keep going forward.

We thank all for your support.

MSWorld's website will close on October 16, 2024.

“I personally want to wish all of you the guidance to find this type of support, as so many do here. Also, my prayers and love extends beyond my understanding. It has been a pleasure to steward this journey.”

God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

we leave knowing that
we did our best and
stayed true to our mission and purpose.

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안녕하세요! Hello! Hi from Cincinnati.

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    안녕하세요! Hello! Hi from Cincinnati.

    I'm Beccah and I'm new here but not new to the ups and downs, flares and remissions of "probable MS".

    I kinda shot myself in the foot I realize now but when a doc tells you there's nothing wrong that its all in your head then gives you a scrip for neurontin, even to a young dumb non-medical type it's frustrating because it makes no sense.

    When you finally decide you have enough but are angry at said neuro and you find a new one it's maddening to pic up your records from the last one to find a ha d written "probable multiple sclerosis".

    After that I just went on steroids when symptoms returned....until now. My other doc says it is time to get a final answer and get treated legitimately and to stop just ignoring things and requesting steroids to rid myself of symptoms.

    She convinced me I'd love Maria Melanson at UC. I made the appt but they called to reschedule because she'd left the practice. There is a new neuro there, I don't think she's an MS specialist.

    I'll be seeing dr. Patricia Colapietro. Is anyone familiar with her?

    Hello! Maria was my Dr. until her abrupt departure earlier this year. I was so saddened that she left as she was a wonderful person and a huge asset to the Waddell Center.

    I myself have an appt. to see Dr. Colapietro in December. I really don't know anything about her but she came highly recommended.

    I had hoped Dr. Melanson would be MS doctor 'forever' but I'm looking forward to meeting Dr. Colapietro and hoping for a 'good fit'. Good luck to you!


      Thank you...

      Thanks for your reply. I'm relieved that she came highly recommended. I'm skittish where neuros are concerned because of the one that made me feel like a neurotic idiot despite what he wrote in my chart.

      I see her soon and will check back here. I wish I could talk my PA at the pain clinic into steroids as I'm in another flare. Maybe Dr. Colapietro will save me... Most of the sensory things are an annoyance but the trigeminal neuralgia and the clonus in my foot and hand plus all the leg cramping is too much. Add to the the word recall issues and other issues affecting my work negatively, I'm done.


        A caution about the Wadell center- at my last tysabri infusion the coordinator told me Melanson left (they hadn't notified me) and currently they are having neuros from the Stroke team filling in. MAYBE they got a new neuro in the last month, but I ended up switching to Reed at Riverhills where I get my infusions. I had my appointment with him last week and it went pretty well.


          Hello from Ciincinnati- found less than "stellar" care

          Hi All:

          I've been less than "impressed" with the treatment I've received from the Waddell Center at U.C. unfortunately and last week returned to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment at the Mellen Center. I was seen at Mellen after I shortly arrived in Cleveland (had a flare-was getting the house ready for sale in August). Yes, it's a bit of a drive,(and pricey - I spent 3 days in hotel and had to rent a car), received IV Solumedrol for 3 days and also saw a doctor who specializes in spasticity. For me it was well worth it. I lived in Cleveland from 2007 until 2012, my dad (who lived in Cincy) became seriously ill and I returned here to care for him.

          I recently had a flare again (I was diagnosed in 1995; and used to see both Dr. Melanson and Dr. Pirko, who I agree were both were great docs.

          I was hospitalized at U.C. in 2015 for another MS flare (3 days of IV steroids) and then a month at HealthSouth/Drake for rehab; I lost the ability to ambulate. They did a fantastic job; however the MS doctor (Dr. Zabetti) never came to see me while I was an inpatient; and despite my dx, PT did not visit me until the last day of my hospitalization. They apparently didn't get an "order". When I went for a follow-up office visit with Dr. Zabetti, he offered me Techfidera (which my insurance didn't cover) and when I told him I couldn't afford this, he said then there was "nothing" else he could offer. Very frustrating - he spent about five minutes with me, despite being a "new patient" for him.

          I've had another flare (in August) lots of spasticity in my arms and legs. I ended stopping into a into a "My Clinic" which is an outpatient/semi-urgent care facility that was located in a Kroger's. I stopped in to ask a question or two. I stopped in there after my PCP (who told me he does "deal with MS" and gave me a 10 day course of oral steroids that essentially did nothing for me!) The My Clinic nurse was fabulous, even though they're not set up to see someone with MS; she went above and beyond in taking care of me (spending an hour!) and "tried" her best to get me in "urgently" at Waddell - the best she could do was get me an appt. in mid-September. (They told me that all of their doctors were "busy" and/or were on vacation/attending conferences). I did get an appointment with Dr. Michelle Bowman - who is in West Chester. I live in Williamsburg, so it will be a bit of a haul, but I will give her a chance, I have a friend/who knows someone who sees her and likes her.

          I have fingers crossed/will see.......
          Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
          It's already tomorrow in Australia" - Charles Schultz


            Just wondering since you are willing to drive to CCF if you have ever checked out the Oak Clinic in Massillon, near canton. They specialize in MS

            ive been going to them for years
            Dx 2004. Copaxone until 2006 became allergic. Avonex until 2010, then rebif until 2013. Then Aubaugio until 2017 now tysabri.

