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    New to site

    I have had MS for 25 years. I am married (36 years), have two daughters and 4 amazing grandkids. I work part time. I use a cane, walker or scooter, depending on how far I want to walk. By the Grace of God I am doing OK!

    I found this site looking for information on bladder issues. Wow, you have helped me so much!

    To all the newly diagnosed - keep enjoying whatever you enjoy doing. Don't let MS define you. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    What did you learn from this site that helped with your bladder issue? I am glad that you posted. It's good to hear that people are getting benefit from the information on this board. Good luck


      Hi and welcome! This is a great place for info and support!
      dx 2002 rebif 2002-2013 Tecfidera 2013


        I came to this site looking for information on bladder issues, but I have found so much more!

        I thought that Detrol and Poises were enough until I had a moment at Walmart. I noticed a woman 20 years older than me purchasing the same Poises. I felt 'young' (at 56!) and it struck me that maybe there was something else I could do besides pads. I googled for a female urologist in southern California and found one! Tests revealed that I have minimal (reversible) kidney damage due to retention.

        I have found that I become desensitized to the slow changes that occur due to MS. I did not know that I had a retention issue or that my kidney's were at risk. I thought that I had a 'leak' issue. I learned from reading other's posts that this is common.

        I used member's recommendations on the type of catheter's to purchase and even which on-line companies to use. I could not locate catheter's at any DME store in my area. .

        Reading about other's experience with Botox helped too.

        I hurt for all the 'newly diagnosed' posts. I remember. MS has always been a part of my life. My Dad had it too.


          Welcome Carol! It's nice to meet you. I'm glad this place has been helpful to you already. It's amazing the amount of knowledge and support that everyone here has to offer. I'm sure you will be of immense help to others as well - living with MS for 25 years, you probably have lots of experiences to share!

          I've had MS for 24 years (was in limbo for 10 of those) and I'm still learning so much.

          Come back often!
          1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
          Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


            Did anyone ever comment on your dietary choices as related to your bladder issues. It was explained to me that some or all of my bladder problems were the result of too much meat protein staying on the bladder walls and becoming an irritant. In turn, that irritation causes infection. That's some of what I learned from my 'naturopath'.
            Take a look at your diet and see if you could cut down on your red meat intake. I don't know about function of the bladder and catheters and such. MS causes a lot of damage and weakness. But maybe there is a way to fight off the bladder issues. This is just my advice and suggestions, I am not a doctor.


              similar bladder story

              Hi Carol,
              I'm Therese, also new to MSworld but not new to MS, 32 years.

              I found out this year through urology testing that I no longer have the involuntary muscle support needed to empty my bladder. It had nothing to do with my diet.

              I am semi successful with self cath. I have an amazing husband who helps me at least once a day. The thing that amazes me is how this rather embarrassing issue for me has become another strong bond in our already blessed marriage.

              have a good day!


                Welcome aboard Carole!

                I hope you find your way into the chat room sometime so people can meet you "in internet person."


                  Hello and Welcome Carole7!
                  When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!

