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    Good Morning,

    I am new to this website and wanting to stop in and say hi and meet some peeps...

    I was diagnosed 17 years ago and it has been an interesting journey to say the least... In the beginning it was all about getting stable, stopping the exacerbation and getting on a drug... I started with Avonex 2 weeks after it was released... then after 7 or so years of being on this, I started having more frequent exacerbation so it was lucky for me that rebif came out and I was switched to that soon after it was released. So all was good in my life for a bit and then came Gilenya... Ok I much prefer a pill... So I jumped through the hoops last year that it takes to get on it... and it has been a roller coaster since then...

    So Hi everyone....

    Hello and Welcome Orlfairy!
    When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


      Greetings Orlfairy and welcome!! We're glad you found you way here. You're an "old-timer" to MS and wonder how you're doing after 17 years? How are you doing on Gilenya? Is the roller coaster ride due to this or just MS in general?

      I hope you come back often and share more of your story with us. This is a very helpful community here on the boards so if you have questions, don't be shy!

      We also have chat if you are interested. You can find the schedule here
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator



        LOL... Yes I am an old timer just having new (er) issues...

        I try very hard to stay positive as I do believe that is one of the keys not only to being someone with MS but to life in general...

        Like I said in my original post I am on Gilenya now and yes indeed the roller coaster is, in part that, the other part is life... Sometimes I think that life is harder than living with MS... I just love the shirt that says "I make MS look good"... Somehow I am doing that... Hard to believe...

        I have tried for many years almost to exhaustion to try to be a volunteer to help other people with MS and it has always come up blank... I tried to be an ambasador for Rebif... sorry they had enough, tried with Gilenya... not right now... truth of the matter (if I may boast for a minute here) I have done some amazing things since my diagnosis and that is something that I think can help others...

        My niece was recently diagnosed with MS and she told me that the only reason it was not as scary for her was because she knew me and all I had done and was able to do which was more than most of the people that she knew without MS...

        In any case as you can see I like to chat and am a talker so I would love to chat live... will check that out...

        In the meantime I will continue to check out this site and add post to others....

        Many warm thoughts to those that are out there reading this...


