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Few Year Lurker...

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    Few Year Lurker...

    Yup, thats me. Lurking from afar
    I would generally describe myself as a "loner", but once in awhile I get a kinda lonely feeling, like I'd like to talk to somebody other than my kids (mostly adult) that bug me all the time. Believe me, I appreciate their concern, but they really need to get a life and some friends their own age to call two and three times a day to shoot the breeze! I think this summer will get better with my oldest because they just finished their 4 (almost 5yo) sons first T-Ball sport team season so now she calls to tell me how many women have called to set up get togethers with their kids. YAY!! I think it's kinda funny that she used to say," Mom, it's pretty bad when my only FRIEND is my mom!" My reply was always ,"As soon as LW is involved with other kids you'll meet some moms and it'll get better, I promise!" Now it's happening for her and I'm so relieved!!

    Ok, back to me, (but I'm sure you grandparents will understand that)...
    I signed up here a couple of years ago and come in to read quite a bit but never got too involved. I had found another online community that wasen't so wrapped up specifically with MS but like so many others has gone exclusively to Facebook. It appears there's still excuses being made as to why the message boards aren't functioning STILL but I call BS because if money is the issue, well there have been plenty of offers of donations...even from those of us that really can't afford it-but hey, they now have a million facebook followers and the lady is making the rounds of the book and morning news shows!

    OHHH, sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a rant
    SOOO anyway, I got mostly homebound AGAIN due to pnumonia (that I spelled wrong) AGAIN, and I guess I'm just looking for some kind of community AGAIN.

    I have recognised one lady from that other community, maybe more. I'm really shocked that I haven't made the connection until just a couple of days ago- HEY muse_7, I've missed you!!
    That wasen't much of an intro, but one tends to have great big brain farts in the midst of recovering from pnumonia (most likely loosely MS related). What was so odd this time is I can usually tell when a runny nose flips into serious- and it can go from mild cold to hospital in about 12 hours- but this time I couldn't tell. By the time I finally saw my PCP (that knows me well by the way, over 20 years) she couldn't hear even a rattle, scared her more than me I think. Sent me straight to hospital for chest x-rays and yup, some fancy name but basically both lungs were about half loaded which is why they just sounded dead.

    I'm definitely on the mend now. She did alert her office again though, if I should call feeling bad I NEED to be seen NOW, not when the next appointment comes up.
    Wow, that was awful, I guess I just needed to let off some pent up steam.
    Oh look, about 2 am, must be time to eat something

    Welcome (again) WillyNilly!!!!

    Yeah, a lot of us know about feeling lonely at times, but we're so glad you popped in and hope you connect with us as often as you want!! I'm sorry to hear about your bout with pneumonia and having to land in the hospital. ugh! I've had that before and with MS, it's a double whammy! Glad you're on the mend tho.

    Please visit often and stay connected. We are a community of friends
    1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
    Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


      WELCOME BACK WILLY NILLY! Great to have you back! Sorry you feel lonely now and again, but you can always come here for conversation and answers. Sorry about the pneumonia, I hope you're back to 100% soon! I hope to see you around more in the future. Good luck
      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001



        Hi Again and Thanks

        Thanks for the re-welcome
        Seasha- aren't you in Seattle or Everett? Do you find it as odd or coincidental as I do that there seems to be such a huge number of (or suspected of) MS and/or other ...dang it, losing words again- one of my biggest issues! Ummm, ya know, "immune system" disorder stuff in the PacNW? I've read some about possible connections to lack of sunlight and distance from the equator and of course many other goofy theories over the years, what do you think? Are there more of "us" on the edges of our continent? Oh, I've been in Grays Harbor since 1989, all up and down the coast. The last 4 years or so in Aberdeen. Started out in Slidell, La. but mostly Wa. State since childhood. LOVED Seattle, but I doubt I'd find the same place this many years later.
        Hunterd- Thank you to you too, working on getting as close to MY 100% as I can!
        I plan on hanging around more, when the MS talk gets to be too much I'll hang on some of the other areas. I think thats what sort of chased me off before, not chased off really, I keep reading and gleaning some wonderful information, but kept me from participating. I don't share alot of my health (or lack thereof) info with anybody- too many years of being the "single tough guy man-mom", I'm sure some of you single or have been single parents understand what I mean. It's way easier now that my girls are 26 (w/5 yo gson in Aug), 23 (w/3 yo ggirl) and youngest still at home (that I'll probably never get rid of) will be 18 in Nov. and a high school senior this coming year.
        I'm seriously thinking about what I'll be doing in the next year or two as far as living arrangements. When we moved into this place it was for the purpose of staying close to DD's high school for the duration, didn't want to drag her from school to school, but now 18 and senior year is coming fast. I'm certainly not going to boot her out, but she understands that if she chooses at some point to move in with a friend, there will probably not be a mommy home to return to. If by chance I should get into a low-income senior/disabled housing (which I WILL be applying for if she decides to strike out on her own) I won't be giving it up to "help" an adult kid.
        Oh GEEZE!! There I go again...blathering and foaming like a caged rabid MS WOMAN!! I'll shut up now, and I'm sure I'll be back somewhere on these boards to amuse and annoy you'all soon!
        Thanks again.

