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Lori-New member

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    Lori-New member

    I have been diagnosed with MS just this year..I have started on Gilenya as a treatment. I presented with optic Neuritis in October 11 and diagnosed by Feb 12...I think this has been coming on for about 2 1/2 years because of the breakdown of my mood, organization and speed to react and learn...My doctor doesn't seem to either want to answer if these problems I have been seeing are from the MS or really just doesn't know..

    I have been reading that many people once diagnosed do see all kinds of issues prior to their first exasperation, is it possible that we live with this disease much longer than we know and just think we are losing it..My mental state got so frustrating and bad that I went to a psych thinking I was bipolar and got a diagnosis of Adult ADD..Wellbutrin has helped but I think I should see a psych that specializes in MS to see if more of my symptoms can be helped...

    I had Gastric Bypass 4 years ago and folowing that surgery I had some weird episodes that the gastric doc says were bypass related. The best she could figure I was having hypoglycemic attacks..I thought they were more like a seizure and now think it might be MS related..I feel weird, get tunnel vision, lose color in my face, start sweating, have major anxiety and then if I don't sit and drink I will pass out...I feel as though my brain just short circuits and my whole body gets rejected..noone has been able to figure out what I have and I got so many dr who didn'\t think this was any big deal, that I never even thought to bring it up to my ms doc...anyone else have these problems?

    Well that is my story. I am looking forward to reading about some of your experiences..I was very light hearted about my diagnosis and was doing just fine with it..But since I own a buusiness and the busy season set in my confidence that I can handle everything is waniong and I need to know everything will be OK..

    Hi Lori

    I'm new here somewhat myself. I was dx last May. I believe that I had my MS for years before they finally figured it out. Actually, thanks to web MD I did! I actually had to talk to a friend that is an eye doc to get me an MRI to convince my regular doc that I wasn't crazy! (Well, to his defense he knows my mother too... haha) Anyway, we know it's not new with as many lesions as they found.

    I just wanted to post to you to let you know that I also get those same dizzy disorienting feelings and have to sit or figure out who, what, where etc. I am. For me it happens in the morning. My neuro gave it some name and said it can happen with MS. I cannot remember what it was exactly. The important part for me was letting those around me know what is going on so that they can watch out for me.

    Many Blessings,
    "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a woman"


      Thanks Kate

      It just came upon me like a ton of bricks that all these weird things could be related or not...It is the most frustrating thing to have a bunch of stpid things and you go to the doc and he says yeah it could be ms or not!

