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Undiagnosed 37yr old mum of 3

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    Undiagnosed 37yr old mum of 3

    Hi to all, I'm a mum of 3, I too have 2 kids on the spectrum. (read in other posts)
    I have been type 2 diabetic since my 1st baby (strong family history)
    Had been doing 3 gym classes a week till the day I woke with the worst and first ever migraine.
    I will try to make this long winded. I have been ill for 2yrs now. What started with a terrible migrane followed by various blood test, cat scans, ultrasounds etc. Nothing ever showed up to be the cause. Migraine hung around for weeks.
    Continuing muscular pain where it felt like my muscles had been ripped off my arms and legs and thrown back on.
    A sleep study revealed shallow breathing and I sleep (when I dont have sinus) with cpap.

    A;; this year my legs have been weak enough that I need to use my arms to pull myself up stairs. If I try and rise from a chiar my thighs just shake and I don't actually move.
    I turn around backwards to walk up hills.

    December I had a emg which was fine
    4wk ago I had an mri which was 'remarkable'
    March I had a bone scan which was also clear

    2wks ago I purchased elbow crutches for around the house in the afternoons for when I had simply used all my energy.
    5 days later I was shuffling on them and barely walking.

    My gp rang my neuro an organised me to be admitted for a muscle biopsy, which was taken from my L thigh as that is my weaker side, so for now its waiting to find out if it shows anything helpful.

    I continue to struggle to walk without my crutches. I have limited control over my R leg, I can raise it enough that I feel the tip of my shoe drag the floor.
    I have to lift my legs into the shower, dont put things on high shelves I use often.
    Get forgetful, words escape me, fingers sometimes are not as nimble, minor tremors on and off, esophegus works slowly and tend to drink water to force foods thru (barium swallow was fine)

    I don't know for certain if it is ms, but my long time go is leaning toward ms while the gp I have locally that I have had while I have lived where now is at a loss.

    He told me the other day I am consistently low in Vitamen D, and I am rather olive and do get sun.

    previously checked parathyroid
    on thyroxine for under-active thyroid
    Asthmatic for all my life
    take Nurontin for muscular pain and is very effective

    I hope to find out some more things and hopefully this sounds a little familiar to someone.

    WELCOME LAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's great to have you here, but also I'm sorry for all your issues. Much of what you are going through, I also went through. I am type I diabetic (no family history). I went through all the others tests too. I hate that you aren't getting any answers and hope that the doctors find something out quickly.

    Just out of curiosity, what country are you in (my guess is Australia?).

    Good luck!
    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      Yes Hunterd, you are correct.
      I am in Australia.
      It would be nice to rule out Lymes, but unfortunately there is still a divide between doctors acknowledging lymes being in Au and therefor testing for Lymes being adequate.

      I have a friend that lives in the same rural town as myself and she had to travel interstate to a doctor in Sydney who then arranged for her blood work to go to America for testing as Australia does not offer the intricate testing for each strain of Lymes. ( to this effect anyway)

      I have friends with a dairy farm and we are there every other weekend so we have tested for anything and everything we know of that you can get from a cattle.

      My gut feeling is that if there were lesions on my mri they would have said ms.
      I am curious to see what another mri would show now that I have lost such a big amount of mobility in such a short space of time though.

      I liken it to a job interview, the selection criteria just gets so much harder each time you see the doctor and they are just not sure your the right one for the job so you get another hoop to jump through.....I just keep telling myself no matter what it is 'it will never own me'


        Hi Laine, I am undiagnosed too so nothing to offer but to keep pushing. I wish I had pushed more with my stomach issues gather than being a undiagnosed Celiac all my life and doing 20 years worth of auto immune damage to my body. That is what made push with the issues I am having now.

        Us Special Needs mamas are a strong breed and I am sure you are no exception. Hopfully someone here will have some insight you can take back to your docs.


          Hi guys I got some what I think is good news from my muscle biopsy today.
          My doctor tells me it shows 'muscular denervation atrophy'
          I have been googling for a while and seem to not be getting to far.
          Is denervation an ms thing or not?
          I would be terribly grateful for any help in the right direction.

          I was told today the neuro may advise to have a nerve biopsy now, but a nursing friend is cautious as to this being a good idea or not.

          With Thanks

