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New to site - advice please

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    New to site - advice please

    Hi there,

    My name is Kate and I am trying to remain calm and not think the worst.

    History - nearly 39yo with 2 beautiful boys - 9 & 3yo. Sometime after my 9yo was born (maybe a few years after) I started getting some weird sensations in my hand/arm & on one ocassion face. Basically I will wake up and notice that my
    skin has an altered sensation, very sensitive to cold (hard to describe) but the skin on these patches feels different to other 'normal' limb/hand etc eg. if I were to run something cold, say metalic (like cutlery) over my skin on the
    affected area, it feels different to the 'normal' part. It will last for a few days and then go. I have had these sensations in parts of hand, left side of face, inner left arm. These episodes come maybe 3-4 times a year - in different areas.

    Other strange things - about 4mths ago (not sure whether the wierd skin thing was happening at the same time (now keeping a diary!) I was at work and all of a sudden my computer screen went blurry. I was training someone at the time and said 'how strange, the screen is all blurry and I can't make anything out' I even took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes - looked at something out the window (at a distance) and then tried to re-focus, still blurry. My boss who sits close
    to me even came out of his office to ask whether I was ok. At the time I just thought it was strange and didn't think too much more of it - after a while, maybe 1/2 hour after I grabbed a cuppa, it just righted itself and my sight was
    back to normal. I do wear glasses as I am short-sighted, but that's it - no other eye condition or anything.

    I mentioned the above eye thing to my optometrist a few months back at a routine check and he made a note of it, checked my vision and the health of my eyes and all ok - only slight variation to my last script.

    I did ask a GP a few years ago re-numb/weird thing when it happened to my face and she just fluffed it off really, said sometimes we can get some strange things happening - no other symptoms were present at that GP visit so I guess
    she didn't think much of it.

    For some reason in Feb this year I thought I should really ask another GP about it - which I did. The new GP referred me to a Neurologist for a Nerve Conduction Study and a Consult. I had the test done last Tuesday which came back all ok, the Professor came in at the end of the test and said that
    unfortunately the test didn't indicate anything obvious like carpal tunnel (I hadn't even thought of that!) and that I would still need to see him for full consult - which I am doing on 19/4 - this Thursday coming.

    Questions - are these things I am describing any MS type stuff and what usually happens at a consult - I am assuming alot of questions, but surely he will need to order other tests given the Nerve Test came back ok.

    There are various other 'bits and pieces' but not sure whether related at all - mind is a fog most of the time (maybe normal 'Mum fog'?) everytime I get up to move - I am stiff in the legs/ankles (could just need a good stretch?) I have also had pins and needles in feet from time to time.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated as I am pretty concerned at this stage!


    It could be MS, it may well be nothing, but you're worried and that's no good for you, either.

    MS stuff generally hangs around longer than 24 hours.

    Are you going to have a MRI?

    Also, don't be too worried if there isn't an answer yet. That does seem to happen quite a lot.


      WELCOME KATE!!!!!! Great to have you here, sorry why. While ms has many symptoms, some are unique to each person. They also could be something else ( like the carpal tunnel you mentioned ). I hope you get an awnser quickly, and i hopa it's relatively minor. Good luck.
      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001



        I moved you thread. Members are used to looking here for new members and i thought you would get more responces.
        MS World
        PPMS DX 2001


