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Sleepless newbie

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    Sleepless newbie

    Found this site while trying to distract myslef from the pain that has woken me up again tonight. I have been going through a very long diagnosis process, over a year now, but after reading a few posts here I have learned that this is not unheard of. Got my fingers crossed that the latest MRI I had last week will provide new info/insights.

    I have had so many changes to what "normal" means over the last year since I got sick. Trying to stay positive is something I am working hard on.

    Things that work for me so far:
    - a forearm walker with a seat helps me overcome my balance issues so I can walk, pause and sit, walk some more.
    - a rigid AFO for the foot drop
    - meds: gabapentin, amitriptyline, cymbalta
    - painting, my new hobbie. I have recently discovered that I like painting landscapes in acrylic. Living in BC Canada there are a lot of nice views to choose from.

    I would also like to try a scooter to conserve energy and I will be looking through the posts for a while to learn more about them.

    Otherwise, I'm trying hard to just stay positive and find new ways to laugh once and a while.

    Sleepless Newbie, sorry you are going through a tough diagnosis process. I hope you get some answers soon and can begin treatment.

    I have found this site to be such a great source of information, humor and comfort... glad you found your way here but sorry for the reason.

    Enjoy your painting...I am jealous that you live in B.C.!!

    Warm regards,
    RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
    "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


      WELCOME BLUE SCARF!!!!! glad you found us. I too am jealous, i'm in the states. Look around, we have an assistive devices forum where scooters and such are talked about frequently. Look that forum up. Good luck.
      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001




        Glad you found us! Hoping you get the answers you've been desperately seeking!
        Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.

