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Missing what I had

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    Missing what I had

    I've been having the poor me's the past few days, I'm really missing all the things I used to be able to in the snow, go for walks, etc. Things with my 2 kids, things now only my hubby get's to do with them.

    It's been almost 2 years since my doc. said " I think I know why your legs don't work well"

    Will this ever get easier? Will I someday forget what I used to do and be happy with what I can do?

    Had to say this out loud! Thanks for reading


    I've only been here since October and I feel the same as you. I've been terribly sad. If you ever want to chat, I'm here and think we should be able to help each other through.
    RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


      being here helps,

      makes me feel lucky my problems seem small when reading others stories,i just hope the rebif keeps all other problems away,i dont know if exercise would help,but dont have the energy for that after work all day,we can complain on screen,even if no one reads it,a way of release,,,,,,, am too old,had my play time i guess,lol


        Hello to you both

        I've had quite a few of those ''poor me'' days, sometimes even weeks, so I can totally relate.

        It gets better if you believe it will - maybe not ''better'' in the sense that we think but 1) I believe that miracles happen every day and 2) we also have the power to change how we feel about a situation. We can let MS defeat us, or we can overcome it by knowing that we will be able to do new things that we never thought we could do before.

        I know things aren't easy for either of you so feel free to vent and rant on here. Hang in there
        Dx RRMS 2008/Kesimpta Feb 2023
        UNbalanced Dog Trainer - Accredited pet dog training instructor


          I agree with my neighbor Nanobaby. Please don't try to forget what you used to like to do, those times are precious memories for you to enjoy for the rest of your life.

          If you could try to not compare what you used to do to what you can do now, you will find that something enjoyable will find it's way to you.

          Sometimes when I'm having the big pity party and get upset that I can't do whatever (sports, work, etc.) anymore, I realize that some of those things I am pining over losing I wouldn't do even if I didn't have MS. Crazy?

          I hope you find your way to some happiness soon. Mine came in the form of my dog.
          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


            Create an MS free zone

            Right after my dx, I was given a booklet to read from NMSS and one thing they suggested to cope is to create and MS-free zone where what you are doing is not affected by the MS...if you can.

            For me, reading a book or playing games on the computer gives me that time everyday where I'm not reminded of my limitations.

            I too miss things I can no longe do, I just try not to dwell on them. Not an easy task at times.

            I also used to listen to quite a few motivational tapes in the car, and one on self-esteem had a technique for overcoming negative self talk, where you essentially stop the thought and quickly start thinking of something positive.

            Hope these thought help, or sometimes you just need to "say" it on here where people understand.

            Best wishes coming your way!
            Prob MS 9-14-04; Dx PPMS 9-16-11; RRMS 12-15-11
            Ampyra 10mg 2xday
            Copaxone 1/20/12


              I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am still able to walk but I have came a long way with the help of PT and OT.

              My very first sign there was a problem is when I couldn't hold a pen and write. I am partially paralyzed in my right arm and my right leg. Today I make alot of jokes about my loss. I call it my dead fish arm. It's just there. It took a year to lose ability in my arm and every day was a mystery if it would get better or get worse. Today, 5 years later, I'm ok with it. Yes it's very frustrating telling a sales clerk I can't write. They just stare at you like WTF!

              I have found new and different ways of doing everyday tasks. I challenge myself and I tell myself " where there's
              is a will there's a way".

              I understand your frustration with not being able to do what you did before with your children but have you found new ways you can spend time with your children?

              Never give up. Find new things. Don't regret what you can't do but remember to challenge yourself and try something new with abilities you do have.

              I too went through alot of loss and it wasn't only mine. It is important to remember your family is effected too by this change. I am sure they miss you and want you to be a part of their activities.

              Don't give up. Hang in there. I look back now and I didn't ask enough questions and to get the help I needed. I just accepted the "new" me but that was me


                Knowing this feeling will go away and knowing that I'm not alone has made me feel a bit better.

                We are all in this together, together we will vent!


                  Originally posted by ccoghill View Post
                  I've been having the poor me's the past few days, I'm really missing all the things I used to be able to in the snow, go for walks, etc. Things with my 2 kids, things now only my hubby get's to do with them.

                  It's been almost 2 years since my doc. said " I think I know why your legs don't work well"

                  Will this ever get easier? Will I someday forget what I used to do and be happy with what I can do?

                  Had to say this out loud! Thanks for reading
                  Yes it does get easier. I find new ways to do things and enjoy reading often or playing games since my mobility isn't good. One thing that helps me is to realize that I could have it worse. I don't walk very well (need a walker or wheelchair), but at least I'm still getting around. I have 1 friend dying from cancer and another just diagnosed with ALS. I know either would gladly trade for my condition. Good luck to you.


                    Originally posted by Cat Mom View Post

                    I hope you find your way to some happiness soon. Mine came in the form of my dog.
                    Me too And that's how I ended up with 7 Chihuahuas
                    Dx RRMS 2008/Kesimpta Feb 2023
                    UNbalanced Dog Trainer - Accredited pet dog training instructor


                      WELCOME CCOGHILL!!!! Glad you found us. It must be in the water cause i've been doing my share of battle with the poor me's too! Look around and familiarize yourself with the site. Good luck.
                      MS World
                      PPMS DX 2001

                      "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                        I get you, and I've cried in our half bath a few times with the fan on.

                        I try to develop a work-around to still enjoy life, even though I am kind of a spectator, now.

                        Stick around, this place lifts my spirits and I have learned a lot.
                        Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.

