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New member introducing myself

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    New member introducing myself

    Hello everyone. New to the site and awaiting formal diagnosis.

    Here's my story.....I am 31 years old and have served in the Navy for the past 13 years making multiple deployments at sea and on the ground. Well while deployed 3 weeks ago, I woke up for watch with a tingling in my arms and light headedness. Long story short, within one day i was unable to walk or use my arms, and when i tried, occasionally all my muscles would fire at once in an almost spasm like reflex. I was flown off my ship and medivaced to Bahrain, then to Germany where I had MRI's and a Spinal Tap and they found a lesion where the myelin sheath was hit causing my nerve function to be cut off, and gave me the preliminary diagnosis of MS.

    After alot of Prednisone, I regained my ability to walk and move around. Currently the only lingering effects are the numbness in my finger tips. Right now I am awaiting a follow up with the neuro next week and I finally returned home to my wife and son where I am on convalescent leave enjoying some much needed time at home for a change.

    Not sure what the Navy is going to do. I never have had any symptoms prior, and I have always been the adrenaline junkie inside and outside of work. Right now I am anticipating a medical retirement because of the unpredictability of it all. It's tough because I gave so much and I really loved my job, but like anything else, I am tough and will push through smiling.

    Looking forward to finding out what my next steps in treatment will be so I can have some more direction and a plan of attack.

    ** Post broken into paragraphs by Moderator for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    Welcome to MSWorld, pmetz714!

    You might also want to check out our "Military Veterans with MS" forum:


      Dang, Sequoia beat me to it.

      Try to relax (really relax) for now. I'm ex-Navy and an ex-adrenalin junky myself.
      Let the Docs do their thing for now, but it might be time to consider some lifestyle changes. Meaning, slow the bleep down! One of the best things you can do for yourself right now is learn how to better manage stress and learn how to seperate the stuff you can control from the stuff you can't.
      MS is also a lot of information to absorb in one shot. If that's what you've got, give yourself time to figure it out.

      The Vet's board is a good place to hang out because it might feel more familiar to you but be aware the focus is on MEB's for you active folks and dealling with the VA and Tricare for us not-so-active folks.
      The General board is a great place to learn about MS and ask questions. The Meds board is a great place to learn about treatment options. All the sub forums are handy in some way or other. Check them out then swing by the Vets board to chew the fat.


        Thanks for the advice all. And yes, my wife has been kicking me in the butt to slow down and relax, and since she runs the show at home since I was gone alot, I am listening and taking it easy

        I will be sure to check out that vets board. I am already finding out lots of info on it.

        Thank you once again


          No prob, us Westpac-ers gotta stick together.
          I hit SD a couple of times but my homeports were Sasebo and Pearl.


            Welcome pmetz, post often! Good luck with everything.
            Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.


              Welcome pmetz!
              Dx RRMS 2008/Kesimpta Feb 2023
              UNbalanced Dog Trainer - Accredited pet dog training instructor

