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    Hi! My name is Kim. I am a 46 year old wife, mother of two grown children...ages 24 and 23, a daughter, sister, friend, and teacher of 3rd graders. I was diagnosed in March of 2008. I was good until last year when I had my first bad attack. When they say stress makes things worse, they are right, but taking care of myself and relaxing definitely helped. I also had an "MS Hug" attack while on vacation in St. Maarten (celebrating my 25th anniv.)...which was very scary and now I am basically stable...well, whatever stable is.

    Lately, when I dream, I dream that I am unable to walk. Is that because this idea frightens me...that maybe in the near future, I may not be able to walk? My legs hurt often...I don't tell anybody...who wants to hear people complain? Not too many people that I know. Anyway, I figured I could say what I wanted here and people in this community would understand.

    I try my best to pretend that I am fine....I guess you could say I live in denial of my having MS. It helps me to cope.

    Well...nice meeting all of you. Maybe we could talk sometime, I am a great listener. Good luck in whatever you are managing to get through at this time.

    Should not live in denial. MS is part of who you are now. Get on the drugs to hopefully slow the progression down so you will be ready to try some of the newer treatments that will be coming out in this decade. Each a healthy MS diet to further take control and don't give up hope.


      Hi Kim~

      Welcome to the boards! I'm sorry you are here because it means you has MS but this is a great place to ask questions or just vent about how you are feeling because we all "get it" here. Granted, we all have different sx's but we all understand.

      My legs hurt ALL THE TIME, some days I have to use a cane and others I can just manage to gimp by. I have never has the I can't walk dream but maybe that is a fear of yours and it is coming out that way. I know I fear it because my sx are basically my legs and feet so I know in the future it's not gonna end well for me as far as walking goes..... sometimes I try to pretend I am "normal" and try to walk but it only ends up worse by the end of the day. I am like you .... if I try to be normal I don't have to face the fact that I MS. It's like when I really sit and think about it, I feel like I am getting the dx all over again.... WOW, I have MS- I don't know why I am shocked but I am....

      Sorry for MY rant. I just wanted to welcome you to the boards and tell you to ask any questions or just rant and rave. We are all here for you!
      Sx's 5/1996 Dx'd 9/2011
      RRMS- Betaseron, Copaxone, Tecfidera, Aubagio
      Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all


        Hi Kim,

        Welcome to the board!

        Glad to hear that you are stable. I hope you continue to be stable throughout.

        You don't need to live in denial - the fact that you've joined this forum goes to show that you are taking little steps away from denial - good for you! Give yourself a huge pat on the back!
        Dx RRMS 2008/Kesimpta Feb 2023
        UNbalanced Dog Trainer - Accredited pet dog training instructor


          WELCOME KIM!!!!!!! Live however you need to, just don't kid yourself. So glad you found us. I look forward to seeing more of you. Good luck
          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001


