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From Oklahoma

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    From Oklahoma


    New here. I'm 35 yrs old, mother to a 15 month old son. I was DXed in 2006. I am not on any DMDs. I live in Oklahoma and there isn't many places online that I've found support and I haven't really wanted to check out the local MS place. The only thing they want to do is send me cards and let me know when a walk is coming. bleh.

    So I found this website and I hope I can make some friends. I'm at the point in this whole mess where I'm doing a lot of crying at night - and having trouble dealing with the fact that this is still happening to me. Oh who am I kidding, I don't really know where I am. I'm just here.
    DX 2006
    Never taken DMDs
    Mommie to 15 mth old son Dorian Gray

    Hi Dinkey Girl,

    I'm pretty new here and not yet diagnosed, but I've found great comfort just by reading about experiences of others that are so much like mine.

    Have you been doing any alternatives to the DMD's? I have started feeling a little better after I started taking vitamin D. Maybe I'm just 'remitting', I dunno, but I started feeling less fatigued around that time.

    I'm glad you are here!
    "Man's importunity is God's opportunity. He uses our problems as building material for his miracles." ~Corrie Ten Boom

