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Newly diagnosed

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    Newly diagnosed

    Hello. My name is Priya. I'm 37 yrs old. Married.

    I was recently diagnosed. I had some symptoms 10 yrs ago - numbness and tingling in my left arm and leg. At the time I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis since the brain MRI showed no lesions. I just had them in my spine at the time. Had gone for 10 yrs with no major "attacks". My left leg had continued to feel weaker in that time. Recent brain MRI shows several lesions. My left arm and leg feel weaker. My neurologist is insisting I start treatment immediately. He's recommending Rebif. I wanted to know how people on Rebif are doing with the side effects. Anyone on Copaxone? I wanted to hear from people who are on the meds before I decide on what I should go with first. My neuro told me I could choose between Rebif, Copaxone, Avonex or one that's a pill. I said no to the pill since it hasn't been on the market that long. I would appreciate any info on side effects and generally how people are doing on the meds.
    I'm hopeful that my symptoms don't get too much worse.


    Welcome Priya

    I am 37 too- just diagnosed in October.
    My neuro also gave me the choice Avonex, Copaxone, Rebif, or Betaseron. I chose Avonex because it's once a week, and no injection sight reactions. It took me almost a moth to research and finally figure out the medicine I wanted to pick ( the lesser of the evils for my lifestyle).
    My advice is to research a lot! Also you could post this question in the Medications and Treatments section. People have a lot of valuabel info to share. Whatever you decide- good luck and know that you aren't alone.
    The people on this site are very encouraging and helpful with information- so ask questions and you will get answers.
    I haven't started on the meds yet- waiting for the insurance to go through. Going to start right in the middle of the holidays- yay!
    Take Care-
    ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
    Dx the first time: 10/25/11
    Avonex 1/12-10/12
    Revaluation of Dx 10/12
    Rediagnosis 7/14


      Hi Priya. I am so sorry to hear about your dx.

      Choosing meds is hard! I stared at all the brochures for weeks trying to decide. Then I weighed side effects against side effects. In the end, they all have plus and minus qualities.

      I chose Rebif in the end. I haven't had any flu like symptoms...but, a lot of people have had different experiences. I just started it about four months ago. It was tough at first. But, it really isn't a big deal anymore.

      If you need any pointers (with any of the meds or no meds) there are a ton on this board. You will find your own strategy at some point, but the forums helped me more than anything while getting used to giving myself injections
      dxd RRMS 7/2011 - Rebif 8/2011 - Tecfidera 7/2013


        Keeping_on, thank you for sharing your personal experience with the meds. I really appreciate it. I think I've decided to go with Rebif and see how I do on it. Planning to start after the holidays. I did get the starter kit in the mail last week.

        seeuinct, thank you for your response. Good luck to you as your start your treatment. Hope you don't experience any adverse side effects and that you get to enjoy your holidays.

