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    My name is Annie and I am 45 years old. I was looked at by a few doctors 10 years ago when I had some numbness on the left side of my face. This all occured after having a spinal fusion. The systems went away after a good month and my MR was clean. I had constant migraines that were persistent after this and fatigue. The fatigue went away along with the numbness, they believed it was all from stress and not MS. But I had the systems they said.
    Now it is ten years later and showing more systems. I am having balance issues now. I have had three falls, one broken snack table a bit bruised, a twisted right ankle. Then this August I fell and broke my humerus.
    I been to a Neurologist, a Balance Clinic, an Audiologist, had an MRI. I have major fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and memory loss now. Not including the numbness in my left foot.
    They do see that there is a balance issue but cannot find the cause. I have had physical therapy, personal training to build my core and I still fell and broke my upper arm. My ears are fine. Neurologist poo pooed me off to a migraine clinic when I am being treated already with injections every three months to treat them. My memory is not as good as it was, I am switching numbers around. Forgetting things. It's truly disturbing and scary.
    I am depressed, I really don't know what's wrong and I don't think the doctors do either.
    I could use some advice and few suggestions of any good doctor's in the Philadelphia area.

    WELCOME ANNIE!!!!!very nice to have you here. i hope the drs figure it out soon.
    have you looked at any colleges, most have thier own medical facilities. good luck. keep us posted.
    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      Falls and Broken Bones

      Hello Annie,

      I am sorry to hear about your accidents.....fall are just terrible. I just had a fall down a set of concrete steps and have 3 broken the doctor ordered a bone density test and my bones are very shallow...all the more reason to take lots of vitamin D3...up to 10,000 a day is all right, but at least 3000 a day is good for all ms patients...and it helps with depression as well..this is from the panel of doctors on conference call tonight.
      Hope it helps!

