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My Disaster

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    My Disaster

    Hi my name is Kim. Oct. 28, 2009 my legs ached so I decided to take a shower but I had a blackout and slipped and broke my ankle in three places. I had surgery Nov. 4th and then right after that my bladder shutdown. They put a rod and screws in my ankle. I suffered for a year and no one knew what was wrong. Sept. 17, 2010 I had to see a gastroenterologist and I discovered my bowels shut down. My bladder held 1600 CCs and nobody knew why. Then I had went to a urologist and I got botox for the bladder - that didn't work.

    I next had an emergency MRI and spinal tap - I was then diagnosed with MS. I also take take Rebif because Copaxone gave me chest pain. I've been in and out of hospitals and rehabs for the last 2 years. In 2010 I stayed in bed for whole year. Now I live with my mother, my sister, and my niece who take excellent care of me. I suffer everyday all day long. Feb. 11th, 2011 I got a suprapubic catheter. Soon I will be learning how to self-catheterize myself. The last day I walked was Oct. 27, 2009.

    I can't walk without the help of a walker now. I get chest, leg, and feet pain. Sometimes I feel like someone is taking a tight rope or belt and putting it over my chest. My family has to give me massages to help ease my feet and leg pain. I can hardly see but my niece is typing for me right now and they read for me also.

    Please respond with comments or suggestions.
    I can't see on the computer so my family is typing for me. ~*~ (From her niece-a quote) "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day." ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

    Hi Kim -
    I am incredibly sorry for your experiences. I am happy you have an incredible family and support group, such a blessing. I really don't have any suggestions for you, I just wanted you to know I read your story and it breaks my heart.

    I will pray for you and your family to keep the strength you all have to continue to be strong.

    This is a great forum and you will hear from others.
    This music is the glue of the world Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless


      Hi Kim, I'm oh so jealous of all the support you are receiving. Being sorounded by such a loving family in your time of need has to more than anyone could hope for.

      You have had a terrible go of it leading up to your dx and since. I was dx about 10yrs ago with an adopted daughter who was young at the time. I was bed-bound/housebound for many of the past years. I am better recently than I have been in a very long time, since starting a new DMD=disease modifying drug.

      I hope you are having many more good days than bad.


        sorry its been such a bad run but it is good you have the support around you and at times like you are having you need to try to seek out the positives as the negatives are so much more in your face!!

        as for the really bad time you had in 2010 etc i just wanted to say that it does not mean it will stay that bad all the time- i had been dx in 2004 and did ok until 2008 but i did need a wheelchair- then in 2008 i had one relapse after another and spent the better part of the year in hospital in multiple admissions- i thought that was the way it would be but just as quick as it started it stopped and went back to the easier to manage pattern of maybe one or 2 relapses a year or one or 2 stays in hospital- hopefully it stays like that- hope yours improves


          Thank you

          Thank you for all the encouragement. Many people tell me I have a great support group but I'm just happy that they care.

          I will try to "seek out the positives". At times it seems like its all too much to handle. For example, this morning was not a good day for me - probably because the weather keeps changing these days. But I'm trying to take it one day at a time.

          Thanks again for your responses.


          (From her niece-a quote) "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day." ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

          P.S. I went on a vacation and had a whole lot of soda and whatever I wanted to eat. I received a yeast infection and a UTI. But I did get to spend a lot of time with my grandson who is addicted to Dora. I didn't realize that soda can cause a lot of problems!
          I can't see on the computer so my family is typing for me. ~*~ (From her niece-a quote) "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day." ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


            hi kim and welcome!!!!!!!!! suggestions for your bowels would be; lots of water, prunes, applesauce. those will help with constipation, if that`s the problem. i`m not a dr, so i can`t assure you of any suggestions i make. for the pain (i also get it), my neuro put me on neurontin. so far, so good. good luck.
            MS World
            PPMS DX 2001



              Hi Kim. While reading your post I am touched by several things. One being sadness for all you have endured thus far. So many things at once must be so overwhelming. The second is your amazing strength and the support you have around you. It would appear you are very blessed to have a supportive family who will be there for you...I hope that brings you some comfort. I have found that acknowledging the little things that I can do every day helps me to accept the things I am not able to do that day. It works for me...maybe it will help you as well.

              I love the quote from your niece. It is a great reminder.

              "I'm not sure what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us,he will not ask,'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask,'How much love did you put into what you did?"—Mother Teresa


                Thank you everyone! I had a setback today. For the past week I felt like I was on top of the world. But today has been horrible.I don't want to go to the hospital so I am trying to deal with it. I couldn't move to get out of bed but my family came and comforted me. I'm feeling a bit better now because my sister did reflexology on me. But I just wanted to come on and say thank you for you comments.

                I can't see on the computer so my family is typing for me. ~*~ (From her niece-a quote) "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day." ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


                  sorry that you are having a bad time again, there will be ups and downs and its a case of riding out the bad ones knowing that they will pass- i do not have it to hand but you may wish to do a search for a piece of verse called

                  "seasons of the soul" by Helen Steiner Rice

                  a good friend sent it to me when i was having a bad time and ever since it has been something i look too in tough times, it packed at present as i am getting ready to move but i know it is readily found on the net

                  You will get through the tough times!

