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    Hi everyone, I just joined today and getting to know my way around. I'm from Ireland and I came across this Site by chance on the internet. I was first diagnosed in 1990 and I was told to go home and forget about it!!! Not a chance of that happening!!! I've had just a few episodes of MS and have been injecting with Copaxone and Avonex until about 2 years ago my Neuro was so pleased with me that he down-graded me to 'Benign MS' ... never knew such a thing existed, but apparently it does. I am now free of all meds, thank God. I still do have the odd symptom alright, but I can happily go about my everyday life ... so there is hope out there.

    At the moment I'm in bed with flu, so every symptom comes back to haunt me unfortunately, but what harm, I can live with that.

    As I don't know how long I shall be this good, I'm eager to take my head out of the sand and learn more about living with MS.

    Anyhoo, as I already said I live in Ireland, hence the flu!! I have a little dog called Elsa, she's a Shih Tzu and I love her to bits. In between the showers I love gardening and just pottering around the place. Reading and music are my must haves on a daily basis ... chicken soup for the soul.

    So, may I take this opportunity to say a bit 'HI' to you all and thank you for taking time out to read my Thread. :

    Hello there:
    Glad to hear you are doing well and your MS has been downgraded to benign...I hope I have the same luck in 20 years My grandmother hailed from County Cork and I'm lucky enough to have visited your beautiful country twice. Am hoping to take my hubby and boys there someday. I was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS in July and am on Betaseron. I am curious: did your neurologist attribute the change in your MS type to anything in particular (diet, lifestyle changes, etc)? I know MS affects everyone differently but it is rather encouraging to hear your story, especially since I am still coming to terms with my diagnosis. Anyway, welcome to the forum and I hope you recover from the flu soon - Carole


      Hi Carole and many thanks for your lovely welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis in July and hopefully all will go well with you.

      My Neuro just told me to keep doing whatever it is I'm doing ..... I must admit I do have a good sense of humour and I try to see the funny side to everything ... not easy I know. If MS has taught me anything it's that it is different with every individual. I started off with numbness in my legs to pins and needles in my hands and then progressed to losing my sight ... all of which were treated with steroids. And then for some unknown reason I went into remission and stayed there for about 15 years now. Hence the benign MS diagnosis.

      So, if you decide to come to Ireland in the foreseeable future Carole, do let me know and we might even meet up and exchange battle stories. :-)


        Hi Isadoraduncan-

        Your post is uplifting! Welcome, it's a weird thing to say but it's a good group to be part of. I am happy for you and you sound just wonderful! it's been a rough couple of weeks for me and it is so good to get on here and read all the positive things that people say, such as you being active and still doing the things you like.

        thank you for another great push to get going again!!!
        This music is the glue of the world Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless


          Hi Empirerecs, well I'm so pleased that my posting had the desired effect and that is to just show people that MS need not be such a miserable existence after all.

          I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time of it these past few weeks ... positive thoughts going out to you hon. Keep positive, as much as possible!!! I know it's not easy, but it can help in the long run.

