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    Back again

    Hi, everyone! I'm back on again after a few years. Got so caught up on Facebook, that I couldn't manage time for both. I used to frequent this site with the username "Limboland," b/c I was undiagnosed for around 3 years. I did change my name to chitchat, but haven't been on in so long, I decided I should create a new account.

    As I write this, many things have changed in my life. We got a dog (Goldendoodle, named Alfred ), we moved to a new house (split level; not very helpful at this time ), and I've been teaching a developmental reading course at a local college since last fall.

    Since being on Copaxone, I've had my ups and downs and had to get used to the daily injections. I've had sx triggered whenever I get sick, but I also have been doing well enough during summer of '10 and mid-late summer of '11 to walk my dog in the early mornings.

    However, I just experienced a major relapse (end of Aug./beg. of September). After a week of IV steroids didn't help, and culture taken for possible UTI showed negative, I went back to see my neuro. He was not pleased to see me in such bad shape.

    Just had an MRI and am going to see a physical therapist on Monday and an occup. therapist on Wed. In addition, since my visiting parents have been driving me back and forth to work and scuttling me around in a manual wheelchair, my neuro wants me to be evaluated for use of a power chair/scooter.

    So...this is where I am at present. Waiting to find out from a contractor (tomorrow) if it would be worth it to remodel to make my home more HC accessible or not. Wondering if I'll meet the qualifications (due to my home) for a power chair. Wondering if we'll have to save up for a downpayment on a new home and "make do" until then.

    Waiting, praying, and hanging on. Thought I'd join you for awhile again, to gain some insight, advice, and (hopefully) encouragement.

    Hi readingteacher

    Welcome Back!

    Let's see......a new doggie, a new house, a new job, a new relapse, PT, OT, and wheelchair use. Wow - those are alot of changes! Some of them welcome, and some not.

    So...this is where I am at present. Waiting to find out from a contractor (tomorrow) if it would be worth it to remodel to make my home more HC accessible or not. Wondering if I'll meet the qualifications (due to my home) for a power chair. Wondering if we'll have to save up for a downpayment on a new home and "make do" until then.
    Besides changes, sounds like you have important decisions to make as well.

    Waiting, praying, and hanging on.
    I hear ya! Hopefully you won't feel too overwhelmed with it all. Take good care of yourself during this stressful time.

    I'm sure things will work out, over time. The process can be so anxiety provoking, though.

    Feel free to share your "stuff" and vent when you need to.

    Wishing you the best outcomes for your new changes and decisions!

    Hope to see you around here!

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Welcome Back Limboland / ChitChat / readingteacher!

      We're glad to have you back.

      You're life sounds busy & full! Remember to take care of yourself through all of the changes.

      Be well,


        Thanks to both of you! I've been living with MS long enough to know that I need to not "stress" over this, but not long enough to have mastered that idea.

        Helps to have wonderful friends and family for encouragement and support. Nice to know I can still find that on here, as well.

