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I am not the person I used to be.

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    I am not the person I used to be.

    I am not the person I used to be. I was a workaholic with years in the communications industry. I had worked my way into engineering and was going to school burning the candle at both ends. I suffered a few pronounced attacks and lost the ability to drive. I went out on short term disability and had to quit school. I still cannot drive which was a large part of the job so I lost that job.

    I was able to get a job in customer service but I was too affected to do well. I suffered another attack, lost a lot of weight and began to fall alot which employers are not generally o.k. with. I did make it to my 20 year anniversary while on disability again. Now I am on SSDI at 41.

    I cut all my ties with previous employees. We have nothing in common anymore. I see at times irritation in the eyes of my husband and best friend when I do not comprehend well. Life is not what it used to be but I am doing the best I can.

    MS is a miserable thief of a disease. I am sorry it has taken so much from you.
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


      Hi Coriander

      I am not the person I used to be.
      I can really relate and understand when you say you're not the person you used to be. MS can change so much of who we are, how we think, and what we do.

      It really stinks, alot!

      Life is not what it used to be but I am doing the best I can.
      All we can do is the best we can, with what we have left. Just know that you are not alone, and also know that most of us, living with the challenges of MS, truly understand.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        my heart goes out to you. i understand that feeling.

        i'm on the verge of having to got out on disability and i probably will never return to work. i have had a stellar career and i am only 43 years old. there is still so much ahead for me. i guess i should say there WAS so much ahead for me. there are no more promotions in my future. i'm lucky they haven't figured out yet how much my productivity and astuteness has dropped.

        now for the pep talk. we are exactly who we are meant to be. you will find meaning in this updated version of yourself. your soul, your core, your essence..whatever you want to call it, will always be you.

        you are still the person that your husband fell in love with and you are still the person that your family loves. ms is just cannot steal your soul.

        Melissa Goerke
        [I]DX 7/2/10, Copaxone then Avonex, started Ty 9/13/11, JCV+ ended Ty 9/13, started Gilenya 12/13 Blood Pressure skyrocketed, started Tecifdera 4/5/14 - fatigue beyond bearable and symptoms became worse. Rituximab 8/8/14.....waiting for the miracle. I WANT MY TYSABRI BACK!!!


          Not over... just different

          I am on SSDI also. I can relate to the irritation you refer to-- not from my husband, but from my dad. I am also in my early 40s, and passionate about the profession I went to school for--completed masters degree at 24. The last 3 years I worked, I had a thriving and lucrative private practice.

          I struggle with the whole, "who am I now," occassionally. I usually counter that with what I do know: Life may take a different direction than what we have planned... but it can still be a beautiful life. I promise I am in no way saying anyone's feelings are wrong... I have them too. Speaking for myself, I know that I am blessed. I found out who my true friends are. I adore, and am adored by, my husband and my daughter (and my best friends, 2 chihuahuas)..

          Seriously, I only associate with those in my life who didn't flee when things got tough. No matter what, I ponder the goodness in my life everyday--- and whenever possible, I do something for someone else. Trust me, I get more out of the exchange that the recepient does.

          Speaking of ms, I'm exhausted now and need to wrap this up. Please know that life is not over; it's just different, and something positive can come out of even this. Love and Light...
          You never fail, until you stop trying__Albert Einstein



            Hugs to you. The majority of us can relate to your situation. Visit here whenever you need a "listening" ear ... lots of caring, concerned people who do understand.



            Nice to see you again. You sound so much better, and I hope you continue to find your "rainbows". Please continue to use your skills & talents to encourage us.

            Best wishes to you all,

            “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


              Hi Kimba

              Originally posted by Kimba22 View Post

              Hugs to you. The majority of us can relate to your situation. Visit here whenever you need a "listening" ear ... lots of caring, concerned people who do understand.


              Nice to see you again. You sound so much better, and I hope you continue to find your "rainbows". Please continue to use your skills & talents to encourage us.

              Best wishes to you all,
              Hi Kimba,
              You are so kind and thoughtful to extend encouragement to me. Your words [I]encourage ME, to "keep on keeping on." Much Thanks. Be Well.
              You never fail, until you stop trying__Albert Einstein


                Im so sorry I completely understand how you feel!

