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    Hi everyone who happens to read this.

    I am newly diagnosed and new member to this. I first started showing symptoms about 3-4 years ago. I was actually hospitalized back then because I had TIA. The MRI showed white spots but I was still not diagnosed with MS. I was given blood thinners.

    This past jan. I woke up and could not move my entire body. I was completely numb. I could not feel in my hands, legs, lower face, tongue, and arms. I went to the doctor was sent to the ER. They told me to go to a neurologist. I had to wait 3 mths to get an appt.

    I went to the neurologist. He said I had some sort of neuropathy but felt that I should go to the mayo clinic instead of seeing him. He said that because a neurologist saw me when I was in the hospital, he did not want to treat me. I went back to my primary doctor who was able to get another neurologist to see me.

    Finally after 6 MRI tests and a very painful lumbar puncture. I am diagnosed. I got diagnosed this month actually. I was given forms to get avonex. He told me to stay out of the heat (current city temp is 103 degrees) and to not worry.

    So far, I have not had any treatment yet. I currently cannot feel my tongue, my face hurts, I am tired but cannot sleep. I itch...all the time. I feel like have to pee all the time (which is the most annoying to me).

    I had to quit working in may because I took a month off because I couldn't walk. Work said I didn't have enough hours for FMLA. I used to work part time because my last job during the time I was hospitalized let me go.

    I am going stir crazy. I used to love being outdoors but because of this weather...I can't go outside because I do get worse when I get hot.

    Anyhow, this is my introduction/rant/pity party.

    Nice to meet you.

    Welcome! The Outside thing, maybe try late evening or better yet very early morning. Lots cooler then, however if 'cooler' means 80, still kind of hot.
    Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


      Hello chibi

      Welcome to the MS World forums - nice to meet you!

      Thanks for sharing your situation - it's certainly not a rant, or a pity party. You're just telling it like it is with having MS. You're at the right place to talk about what's going on with you.

      Sorry about your work situation. Are you applying for SSDI, or are you hoping to get back to work? That is one of the most difficult decisions for many of us. Personally, I had to retire on disability 5 years after diagnosis (my employer gave me accommodations for light duty work for the last two years of my employment).

      So far, I have not had any treatment yet. I currently cannot feel my tongue, my face hurts, I am tired but cannot sleep. I itch...all the time. I feel like have to pee all the time (which is the most annoying to me).
      Have you mentioned these symptoms to your doctor? He may be able to treat some of your symptoms. Bladder frequency is quite common, and can be treated. And maybe your sleep disturbances can be temporarily treated also. It's not good to go without sleep for too long. Your facial pain might also be treated, possibly neurontin?

      I am going stir crazy. I used to love being outdoors but because of this weather...I can't go outside because I do get worse when I get hot.
      Boy, I can really relate with your heat intolerance. A few minutes in the heat and I become physically debilitated. Very frustrating. I understand feeling stir crazy, especially when it stays hot for several days in a row. Gotta stay in the air conditioning

      Such is life with MS. But you'll find out here that you are not alone with these challenges, and you're among people who understand what you're going through.

      If you have any questions, just ask and we'll be glad to help if we can. Also, feel free to share your experiences, and rant if you need to.

      Looking forward to seeing you around here.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Originally posted by wkikta View Post
        Welcome! The Outside thing, maybe try late evening or better yet very early morning. Lots cooler then, however if 'cooler' means 80, still kind of hot.
        Thank you for welcoming me. cooler temps here means 90 degrees at 1 am. If I want to be out in 80 weather it has to be at 6 am.


          Originally posted by KoKo View Post

          Sorry about your work situation. Are you applying for SSDI, or are you hoping to get back to work? That is one of the most difficult decisions for many of us. Personally, I had to retire on disability 5 years after diagnosis (my employer gave me accommodations for light duty work for the last two years of my employment).
          I am thinking about doing disability because I haven't been able to work full time for over a year. I also suffer from vertigo...due to the neurotin (spelling). A urgent care prescribed that to me while I waited to be seen by a neurologist.

          Have you mentioned these symptoms to your doctor? He may be able to treat some of your symptoms. Bladder frequency is quite common, and can be treated. And maybe your sleep disturbances can be temporarily treated also. It's not good to go without sleep for too long. Your facial pain might also be treated, possibly neurontin?

          He is aware of my symptoms because when I saw him I was going through them. I don't even know which MS i have. I had my episode from "jan - may" and now I am going through another "flare up". He hasn't given me any treatment for my symptoms.

          Speaking of things, I had a swollen throat on friday...and now today I have no voice. I don't have pain in my throat or anything...just no voice.. Should I be worried?



            So, you have been dx'd yet recvd. no treatment as of yet? have you expressed the loss of your voice now also?

            If i were you I would head out get yourself b12 vitamins, d vitamin the strongest that you can, also omega 3's begin taking, and vitamin e. also get something natural for the sleep.

            Start there while he gets his act together on what to give you for everything your experiencing. I think he should be giving or offering you something besides a dmd right now. you shouldn't have to live without feeling your tongue, losing your voice and everything else. from what i've been taught here there are infact things you can take.

            Also begin cutting breads out of your diet and gluten if you can little by little. dont' drink any sugar free products with the fake sweetners in them iv'e come to learn.

            try magnesium for sleep also.

            update and let us know how you are.
            Jen Dx'd 5/11
            "Live each day as if it were your last"


              I went to my general doctor this morning. She was the one who got me a appt with this neuro (he was the 3rd one have seen). I tried getting an appt with him on my own...but his staff told me they needed to review my records before i could be seen by him.

              Anyhow, my general doctor has prescribed me meclizine, hydroxyzine, and 600 mg ibuprofen. She found no infection in my throat. she kept asking if i talked a lot or screamed? i live with my husband..i have no kids. he works. i am home by myself all day...none of my friends are stay at home moms. So i mainly read, and do things around the house. I let her know that.

              My blood pressure was 86/60. Which is the reason they had to do it manually. She tested me to see if i was dehydrated. I was not. She gave me the other meds because of my vertigo and i get these painful itches at night.

              She asked why i didn't call her, and I told her i thought i would have to get those from the neuro. I had left messages with his answering service and never got a call back. I was going to endure everything till my upcoming appt at the end of the mth.

              She was upset that he didn't give me anything for my symptoms. She said i shouldnt drive until the vertigo goes away. gave me some application for perm. handicap parking.

              She asked that i call her by friday to let her know if am okay. My neuro insists i wait for any meds that would help my urge to go so she didn't write a script for that.

              As of right now, my throat is swollen. I can't talk and i can now sip water. I am a pescatarian. I don't eat any red meat. I don't drink soda or coffee...or alcohol. I drink water, green tea, and sometimes juice.

              I will see about getting my calcium levels checked. I will try the gluten free diet (best friend does that).

              Thank you for the advice. I have been writing all the good tips in a notebook and trying to get everything together so i don't keep falling apart.

              I really mean it. I am starting to feel a bit sane..

