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New to MS and MS World

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    New to MS and MS World

    Hi all... I was diagnosed May 2nd. The only symptoms I have is tingling in my hands and feet, and it gets worse as I get hotter, travelling to my upper thighs and biceps. I know I am lucky that this is all I have, so far.

    My doctor and I thought it was a B12 defiency for a long time, almost a year. When my PCP referred me to a neurologist, thinking it was a piched nerve, the neuro ordered a MRI "just in case." Thank goodness he did! I am going to start on Rebif in 2 weeks, and looking forward to starting treatment and being able to do something - even if it's injecting myself 3 times a week.

    I get anxious thinking about life in the future. I am still a newlywed (we were married in September) and I want to start a family in the next couple of years. My husband has been incredibly awesome during this short time of knowing, and every day I am thankful I got him before somebody else did.

    I just want to say I am excited about joing this site, and hearing from all of you and how you deal with everything on a day to day basis. It is such a learning curve, and reading about what others go through helps me evaluate and work through the thoughts whizzing in my head every minute of every day.

    Welcome to MS World,
    It is good to see you are so upbeat, excited and have a great outlook for your future. That is always so much better than doom and gloom. It sounds like you have been reading this site for a while and know your way around.

    Congrats on the future family expansion, I'm at the time in life where it is nice mine are grown up and having their own kids. Look forward to seeing you around.


      Hi DougieTaco

      Welcome to the Forums!

      Hi all... I was diagnosed May 2nd. The only symptoms I have is tingling in my hands and feet, and it gets worse as I get hotter, travelling to my upper thighs and biceps. I know I am lucky that this is all I have, so far.
      Sorry to learn about your diagnosis - but glad to learn that sensory symptoms are mostly what you have to deal with at this time.

      I am going to start on Rebif in 2 weeks, and looking forward to starting treatment and being able to do something - even if it's injecting myself 3 times a week.
      Good luck with the Rebif - hopefully you tolerate it well!

      I get anxious thinking about life in the future. I am still a newlywed (we were married in September) and I want to start a family in the next couple of years. My husband has been incredibly awesome during this short time of knowing, and every day I am thankful I got him before somebody else did.
      Congratulations on your recent marriage (and your good catch!).

      I just want to say I am excited about joing this site, and hearing from all of you and how you deal with everything on a day to day basis. It is such a learning curve, and reading about what others go through helps me evaluate and work through the thoughts whizzing in my head every minute of every day.
      Hopefully MS World will be as beneficial for you, as it has been for so very many of our members!

      If you have questions, just ask. Also, feel free to share your experiences, or offer support, if you feel so inclined to do so.

      Looking forward to seeing you around here!

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        I can't name all of the entries to this site, so just take this from a new friend!

        I'll start this as slow as I can, I am so up too late for me! With 3 kids i try to get to bed by 10pm and now it's 10:35 Crazy I know but i'm not really very young either! 46 now, but 47 is staring me in the face come this sept.! So if you are a newly wed, my husband and I have been married 15 years and 3 kids later doing the best we both can with this dumb disease!
        Ok, bedtime for me! I'll be back on tomorrow sometime! It's shot night for me, Betaseron! It doesn't hurt with the needle but as the medicine travels in my bottom it so hurts!
        God bless and splendid days for you all tomorrow!
        Christine, aka chrissylou39


          New here...well new to everything :/

          Hello all...My name is Saundra. I am the mother of 5 children and grand mother of 2 beautiful little princesses. I am a VERY young g-ma at the age of 37

          I actually am in a strange limbo time frame with my DX is being questioned since I am seeing a new neurologist. However my symptoms have dramatically progressed and became intense.

          My right side is the worst when it comes to pain and spasms even though I do suffer from them all over my body. They are more intense on my right side. It all started with vertigo that was found to be a neurological issue which led me to my first neurologist.I have migraines, cluster headaches, ON, and the typical issues we all have sometime in the life of an MS-er. I fall a lot even though I can walk. My legs get the "jello" effect and give out almost everyday. I do not use any aides in walking as I do not go many places unless I am with my husband.

          Because of the issues I have had I also have been placed on BP meds due to stage 2 hypertension which I found out is actually caused from my extreme amount of pain. Nothing they have treated me with has touched this pain ever. But I am remaining positive there is something out there in this world that will help.

          I just had a relapse on Mothers day, of all days..Horrible experience. My 4th one in a year and a half. But with some strange issues happening I changed Neurologist and they want to re-investigate everything.

          So here I am ...jokes and all..I feel that if I can not laugh at my self then something is wrong. I am always laughing because its the only thing that gets me thru it all. I have bad days dont get me wrong..and a lot of them. But I have to do something to help me deal with it. Everyday life has drastically changed for me. I went from bartending for 13 years, playing softball, hiking and enjoying life with my family to someone who can barely get out of the house in a matter of two years. It has been a bitter experience. I guess that is why i try and laugh mostly at things so my family does not have to suffer thru the pain with me.

          Well thats pretty much me in a nutshell..I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the sunshine

          ***Message broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Some of our members have vision problems with large blocks of type.***


            new at this too!!!!

            i have had ms for 3 yrs now. it has goteen worse now this year. In March i was numb on the right side of my body, then the left side decide to join in. so had an infusion, been out of wook since then. the infusion didn't take. The day before i was to go bake to work i fell and i don't remember, sprained my ankle. My dr said i need to walk with a cane wherever i go. Since then i haven't driven due to the numbnessin my feet. That i still have. I have tried to laugh but seem to cry more. Now the dr wants ne off till Sept. Money wise i don't know if i can last that long but i realy don't think i can go back to work either. So i'm stuck between i rock and a hard place. Then i wonder why i cry?????

