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I've been hanging around awhile.....

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    I've been hanging around awhile.....

    I think I'll finally come out of hiding and introduce myself. I was DX'd in 11/2008 with MS , after 2yrs of suspected symptoms. My first hint anything was wrong was the optic neuritis in 2006. Then things went steadily down hill , even though my MRI was fine at the time of the ON in 2006.

    After my MRI showed no lesions , i just tried to forget the 50% chance that I had MS or would have MS. But in 2008 the symptoms were just too overwhelming to keep ignoring. The extreme exhaustion, bladder issues,crazy numbness on & off, tingling,balance..etc...went back to Neuro MS specialist who said it was time for the LP and it came back no doubt + positive for MS and MRI scans showed
    brain & cervical lesions.

    So my journey on Copaxone began 11/2008. No horrible relapses. I have some minor ones, which I choose not to do steriods. My MD will only medicate major debilitating relapses. Which I am in favor of right now for me.

    I have 3 wonderful children, 2 grown, 1 teen, 18 yr old.
    A most supportive husband, who takes the endless MD appointments, tests,many RX's I have to take, ER visits from falls...etc...seems to be taking it all in stride now. It's become our new

    I'm able to still work 40hrs. from home. My wonderful employer ( haven't revealed my DX to yet ) , gave me the option about 6 mos ago to start working from home and I grabbed it!
    (Ironically I work doing Prior Authorizations for medications and have to deal with making decisions about chronically ill people and their medications)

    I've probably made this too long but wanted to say hi !


    The best things in life aren't things.
    T-tk (dx RR 10/08 Copax.2008)
    Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.

    Hello Terie-tk, I'm glad Copaxone seems to be helping you with no horrible relapses. Sounds like you have a very supportive husband. I too work from home, makes life so much easier.

    I like your line, "The best things in life aren't things", so true!
    1st neurological event 5/29/10. Dx 4/29/11. Avonex since 8/20/10. Age 41 & still smiling.
    Because we have hard times, we really know how to appreciate the good times


      Hi Terie-tk

      Welcome - nice to meet you! (thanks for coming out of hiding)

      It's good to hear that you've been free from major relapses. Maybe the Copaxone is working well for you.

      I have 3 wonderful children, 2 grown, 1 teen, 18 yr old. A most supportive husband, who takes the endless MD appointments, tests,many RX's I have to take, ER visits from falls...etc...seems to be taking it all in stride now. It's become our new
      Sounds like you have a wonderful family and husband (and the kids are just about all raised!).

      I'm able to still work 40hrs. from home. My wonderful employer ( haven't revealed my DX to yet ) , gave me the option about 6 mos ago to start working from home and I grabbed it!
      Wow, that is really terrific how that worked out - good for you. I'm sure that helps you to conserve a considerable amount of energy

      Hope to be seeing you around here!

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        new to forums, pretty new to ms

        Officially my diag came Sep 2010. I first heard I might have ms about a year ago. I'm supposed to start Tysabri this month.

        I live with my husband, daughter, & 2 cats. I was working until 4/1/11, when I had to admit fatigue was too much for me. I was too tired to eat. I am now applying for disability.

        Please check out my blog about ms, called My Multiply Scleroded Life, & my writer's blog, Writer's Playground. (links are in my profile)

        See y'all around!

