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I've accomplished a goal!

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    I've accomplished a goal!

    I've been a member here for over 2 years now and have learned a great deal. (I was diagnosed with MS Feb. 2007) I haven't posted in awhile because I've been very busy writing a cookbook. (gluten free, dairy free, etc.)Well, I'm proud to announce that it's finished!!! Very exciting! You can check out my book and see my story on my website. Thanks for looking, comments are welcome.......Jan

    ** Personal website removed by Moderator in compliance with MSWorld guidelines. This may be put in your profile for all registered, logged-in members to see**

    Hello Jan

    I haven't posted in awhile because I've been very busy writing a cookbook. (gluten free, dairy free, etc.)Well, I'm proud to announce that it's finished!!! Very exciting! You can check out my book and see my story on my website.
    Congratulations on accomplishing your goal!

    I'm sure that writing your cookbook took alot of time and effort. I really admire you for having the inspiration to do that. Sounds like a good cookbook.

    I looked in your profile for the website, but it isn't there. Hopefully you will put it in your profile so we can check it out!

    (To put it in your profile: Go to the blue nav bar at the top of the page (on the left side) and click on User CP -and then choose Edit Your Details)

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~



      Congratulations! That is such an accomplishment and what a wonderful feeling!
      Be the kind of WOMAN that when your feet hit the floor each morning
      the DEVIL says "OH CRAP, SHES UP."


        I want to see it!

        How awesome accomplishing your goal! I am considering this diet and would love to see your cookbook!




          That's wonderful about your cookbook!
          Please put the url for your website in your profile so we can see it!


            Nice to hear not all of our options are being taken away!

            Ok, I just have to add that I can't work or teach like i had originally planned to do before being diagnosed w/this stupid disease! So, I will start working on my own memoir to discuss the reasons for my disease, the affects I feel each and everyday and what it's doing to my husband and kids! I swear I have the best family that stands by me through everything everyday! It's crazy and if i have the energy to write this "memoir" I'll let you all know! Blessings to all of my new MS friends! May God or whatever higher power you all follow be with you when you sleep at night, wake up in the morning and carry you through all the you need!

            My blessings and love to you all,
            Christine, aka, chrissy39, Shelton

