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    hi im newly dx'd ms i should add by clinical exam. i go for mri in the a.m. yet been suffering from symptoms for quite sometime and we've ruled out everything else via blood work.

    anyway i'm a mom to 5, 3 stepchildren are part of that. sounds like alot yet in reality i only am ft mom to one child right now. my oldest moved out and my stepchildren are only here 2x a week.

    i haven't worked in a while due to my daughter being very ill the past year she had an eating disorder, she has bipolar. we spent most of our year living at diff hospitals in diff states to get her better.

    i ride each week, as of late just walking the horse on bad days. I love to write, am hoping to submit something soon, also love gardening, yoga which helps alot with this ms stuff, i do have a husband yet i rarely see him..... he works alot!

    i have two insane dogs that are alot of work yet i love them. thats about it!

    glad i found here. sometimes i tell ppl and their like what huh?? whats going on with you? LOL. yes my feet are ice cold at night, i go to the bathroom once a week now, i can't feel my legs on occassion other nights they burn, their like oh yea i had bad day too! LOL

    anyway looking forward to talking to all of you!
    Jen Dx'd 5/11
    "Live each day as if it were your last"

    Hello sunshine

    Welcome - nice to meet you!

    i haven't worked in a while due to my daughter being very ill the past year she had an eating disorder, she has bipolar. we spent most of our year living at diff hospitals in diff states to get her better.
    I'm sure it's been difficult for you and your daughter. Hope she's doing much better now.

    i ride each week, as of late just walking the horse on bad days. I love to write, am hoping to submit something soon, also love gardening, yoga which helps alot with this ms stuff, i do have a husband yet i rarely see him..... he works alot! i have two insane dogs that are alot of work yet i love them. thats about it!
    Sounds like you have many interests, and you are busy living life the best you can.

    glad i found here. sometimes i tell ppl and their like what huh?? whats going on with you? LOL. yes my feet are ice cold at night, i go to the bathroom once a week now, i can't feel my legs on occassion other nights they burn, their like oh yea i had bad day too! LOL
    We're glad you have found this site too! Folks here really understand the strange symptoms of MS. It helps to know that we can share our experiences with other members who get it, and who aren't judgemental or dismissive.

    If you have any questions, just ask and we'll be glad to help if we can.

    Good luck with the MRI, and let us know what you find out.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      i'm doing my best with it, as i'm sure everyone else is! my interests are fairly new...... i've been the usual don't care of me mom for years! so i have alot of catching up to do!

      yes i searched for an online support group, my husband tries he lays on my legs when they spasm, wraps his hands around my ice cold feet when i cant bare it anymore. yet when we talk about it he just can't "get it". not his fault.

      it's nice to find somewhere that i can be totally blunt about what's going on.

      what are your interests? are you able to still do for you? i have a neighbor w/ms and she's in a wheelchair and i think it's mostly due to her depression she never leaves the house. breaks my heart to watch it.
      Jen Dx'd 5/11
      "Live each day as if it were your last"



        what are your interests? are you able to still do for you? i have a neighbor w/ms and she's in a wheelchair and i think it's mostly due to her depression she never leaves the house. breaks my heart to watch it.
        Well, I'm still finding out what interests me! I had always been a workoholic, and active with tennis, bikeriding, bowling, and other activities that I can no longer do.

        Now I'm retired on disability, and need to use a roller walker to get around. I live alone, so just taking care of myself occupies much of my time! (it takes me forever to do things)

        I belong to a 12 Step Program, so I get to meetings when I can - often times I am a speaker. I read a little each day. I like to watch some TV, and the Detroit Tigers play baseball. I keep up an exercise routine.

        Sorry to learn about your neighbor. You're right, she might be depressed. Does she have people that would take her out? Sometimes it's just a hassle to go out with this disease. So many issues to deal with sometimes (fatigue, bladder, bowel, cog fog, etc). It's hard to judge what may be going on with your neighbor.

        We can only do our best, one day at a time.

        Take care,
        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


          shes' better, she had an eating disorder for a year. she was dx'd with bipolar and ocd at a very early age. my ex husband had it.

          soo she tried transitioning into middle school last year by day 2 passed out from not eating or drinking any liquids was afraid she would choke.

          so i spent my year in two hospitals, one in new jersey and the other on portland. so we flew across the country her heart was bad she wasa mess and they finally fixed her.

          sooo it's been an interesting year for sure! meanwhile my 18 year old went bonkers and moved out!~

          it sounds like you have interests also...... are there any in person ms support groups locally you could go to? i mean what your doing is great and you sound soo positive yet interaction a social piece is important also, even if it takes you 4 hours to get yourself ready to get outta the house

          try googling it. ya never know it's worth a shot. i've come to learn alot of local hospitals will run support groups. ya never know might meet up with some cool ppl
          Jen Dx'd 5/11
          "Live each day as if it were your last"

