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college and SSD

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    college and SSD

    I have been off of a work for quite awhile now and was actually just approved for SSD. I know for sure that I can never go back to what I was doing before due to high stress and demands but someday, if possible , I would like to return to the workfield. If I start attending an online college from home can it effect my benefits? Is there any rules against that?

    Hi, JD. I am not aware of specific rules concerning education and showing the ability to work. I suppose if your claim were reviewed and you were a full-time student with a full class load and lots of homework, then SSA could consider these activities in determining whether or not you could work. Social Security can take into account one's daily activities in determining disability, as you may be aware.

    Attorney Richard Feingold concentrates his law practice in helping disabled individuals obtain the monthly Social Security disability benefits and health insurance that they need to survive. Although based in Chicago, Illinois, Rich helps disability claimants nationwide. He has been answering posts in this forum since June 11, 2003. Twitter handle: @RichFeingold.

