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Pain in head

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    Pain in head

    I get pain at the base of the skull on the bones behind the ear my Dr says itis due to the ms and that more plaques are forming. Not sure if I should get another Dr does any one else get this

    I have a visit tomorrow at the MS Clinic and will be asking about this. My pain feels like it is starting in the back of my right eye, and traveling down around behind my ear to the base of my neck.

    My vision has been screwy for quite a while, but seems to be getting worse. The pain is like starting in my eyeball (or behind it) and I am MUCH more light sensitive now. My right ear also hurts, and has started 'popping' (like pressure on a flight). The other day I was tucking a strain of hair behind my ear and it was actually painful with that light touch!
    Heck - the whole right side of my head hurts.
    I had an MRI done of head and C-spine less than a month ago, but prior to these latest problems.

    I was hoping that somebody else would chime in, but I will update after visit tomorrow.

    Take care.


      Sorry but I have no additional info.

      As usual she still thinks that G is doing good for me (never mind the low WBC - it isn't low enough to cause concern ) and feels that a visit to my optometrist is in order for the eye / ear problems.She didn't seem to feel that it was MS related. And Oh, btw, go ahead and follow his advise on removing the cataracts too. We will re-check blood work in 3 months ...

      GRRR ...
      At least she did pull up my MRI and showed me what she was looking at while going over it with me, and did the same on the blood work results. And I am now set up to start PT. The Neuro Phyc (SP) report wasn't in yet, so nothing on that - but I am sure that it will be "normal".

      So now to another doctor. Hope that I can get in within the next couple of months.

      Better luck to you lyndsparrot.


        I saw your post in the Weight thread and then found this.

        I've had pain exactly like the pain you're describing. For me they seem to be sinus headaches. The doctor said it must be my ethmoid sinuses--only on one side though, and I guess that happens.

        Anyway, I found that heated gel packs help to relieve the pain, but getting at the cause of it is harder. Often it's turned out to be a dental problem--a tooth in the upper jaw that needed attention. Once the tooth got taken care of, the pain disappeared.

        Hope this helps.

        SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24


          Thanks agate.

          As I stated in the wellness room my sinus is in great shape, and my eyes are too (except for cataracts) and so I am kinda at wits end as to where to turn next. It seems to have 'settled' in/around my right eye now, and it hurts!

          I recently got a reminder that it is time for dentist, but blew it off because of all the other stuff falling apart lately. Maybe I should rethink that one even tho I am not having any dental pains?

          I will definitely try the gel pack .


            Teeth can cause no end of problems, including even heart problems.

            They can affect the ears, sinuses, neck, not to mention the bone structure of the jaw.

            This is where having MS can be especially bad news because our jaws might be numb and we might not be aware of a tooth problem until it gets bad.

            I had this happen, with an abscessed tooth I wasn't aware of and let go for a year. For that year I'd had occasional twinges of tooth pain but no big deal, I thought. By the time I got to the dentist there was a bad abscess requiring a couple of fairly grim root canal treatments. I eventually lost that tooth but that was a few years later.

            I don't mean to sound any alarms but it's really important to keep up with dental care even though it's boring and expensive.
            MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

            SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

