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I feel drunk (but I am not)...

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    I feel drunk (but I am not)...

    Today, I feel so woozy...and when I walk, I feel like I am stumbling forward. I have experienced some spasticity, I think lately...where my legs seem to be pushing my body forward...and I am leaning forward, from the waist up.

    But today...I am just stumbling. I know there are so many and everywhere, who have it much worse than I do...but, it is still a bit startling, and disconcerting, when you first experience these 'new' symptoms. I am actually fairly used to the cognitive issues, as I sustained a brain injury, eleven years ago...but these 'physical' symptoms, are really throwing me for a loop.

    Thank you for listening, all. Love and Light. Jan.

    I can relate. I have developed a habit of walking with my arms extended a little like I am about to grab on to something for balance, since I am. I stumble and lose my balance and I feel so darn clumsy. I went to my neuro for my regular appointment last Tuesday and he even commented on how much worse my gait was even though I have no new lesions.

    I will get a cane if I get worse because I really don't want to fall down. It is worse in crowds since if I move my head or eyes I stumble.


      Walking in crowds is the worst. I feel very confused and off balance and need to hold onto whoever I'm with to keep my balance. If I'm alone I stop and wait til I can get next to a wall. Wall walking is helpful when the drunk feeling comes

      I've become a very accomplished wall walker much to my PTs chagrin.


        AriD, your pt can suck it up. Presumably he/she has no idea what it is like, really, to be dizzy and disorientated. Not to mention staggery.

        Wall walking is fantastic. At least we can still "walk". Points there.

        Crowds are an utter nightmare.


          Thanks. I'm glad that I can at least wall walk. The alternative would be to fall. I can't use a cane at my work so it's the wall for me or unemployed

          I thought my trouble with crowds might be my own problem. I get so confused and can't figure out how to walk straight. Very disorienting for me Sorry to hear others have to deal with that too.


            Ari, why can't you use a cane at your work? Isn't that a violation of the ADA?

            The reason why PTs don't like wall or furniture walking versus using an aid/device is because the former can lead to permanent altered gait and isn't necessarily safe. They aren't being jerks for the sake of being jerks.


              Not to fall is very important!

              Gazdajl, feeling woozy and dizzy is scary! You are absolutely right to use a cane rather than to risk falling. I fell backwards on macadam 2 months ago, and I am still getting headaches, long after they took the staples in my head out. (CT scans, twice, were negative.)

              If you don't have to venture out, staying put until the feeling dissipates would be a grand idea, in my opinion. Crowds are really a problem, especially if you're disoriented as you are. I'm retired, so I can stay home if I need to, and you didn't say if you are working.

              Fatigue can make you more likely to feel off balance. Can you get more rest? I hope you and your neuro and PT can agree on some safe exercises for increased balance. I agree with others that wall-walking is a whole lot better than staggering.


                Having similar issues, but question: does anyone else find it worse in big stores?? I think it's the fluorescent lights. This happened again last night while shopping with hubby. Also wanted to add how are your eyes ... Turns out I have some new eye misalignment and double vision due (optometrist thinks) to muscle fatigue. He felt this could be contributing to my recent falls and wobbliness.




                  Many have expressed the trouble with big stores. They have found relief with amber sun glasses. They tend to be more expensive, but, worth the investment.
                  God Bless and have a good day, Mary



                    Dizziness was my first symptom and still remains my worst...even worse then the TN that I have.

                    I totally relate with the big fact I work at a very large airport and it takes a while for me to "adjust" when I go to work. I often walk with my head down so I don't overdo it with all the visual stimulation.

                    I think I'm going to ask my neuro for Valium, looks like many on this board have success with their dizziness.

                    take care



                      Thank you, Kelm! My optometrist going to try to put a temporary prism on my glasses this week in hopes I can fuse my eyes properly, at least for reading. But I don`t think that will take care of the light thing, so I appreciate your help


                        Misslux. I'm a nurse in sicu. Can't use a cane on this job and have to keep working. Have looked at what nursing jobs would allow a cane but not many and definitely not bedside nursing.


                          Learn something new everyday! I would have thought it was an ADA violation. Weird!

