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MS symptoms, don't know what to do

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    MS symptoms, don't know what to do

    Alright, I've been meaning to write a question here since a while - and here goes. I'm a 20 year old male who since 4-5 years has been dealing with something which, at least I, am sure is Multiple Sclerosis. I have been to several neurologists and all dismissed me, pointing out the reason for my issue to be my very sedentary lifestyle (I am a computer programmer and generally deal with computers a lot), and my past problems with anxiety. I believed this for some time, naturally - but lately things have been escalating.

    I have had 3 MRI's, 2 of the brain and 1 of C-spine, the first two w ere 2 years ago (brain and c-spine), and the last was 8 months ago - brain, again it was clear.

    Now, let me start off by saying that I indeed have a very sedentary lifestyle, I can spend days and nights working without going out or moving too much, sitting with quite the messed up posture at times - and I indeed have had problems with anxiety in the past, although lately I've reached a conclusion that a lot more is happening.


    4 years ago ( the start of it all) - 2 weeks of burning pain in legs which was worse at night, it got contributed to sitting too much/inactivity/bad posture/waist problems and the fact I might have sprained something, due to the fact I was going to gym at that time doing heavy weight lifting.

    3 years ago - generalised tingling/prickling/heat/cold sensations in different parts of body which initially followed no patterns whatsoever, they were generalised and happened in a period of extreme stress, but since then they have just stayed and have been here pretty much every day - the tingling is best described as a "ticklish" feeling - this got contributed to anxiety due to it's nature and the way it presented itself.

    2 years ago - I have had periods of my left side feeling numb (most problems are on my left side of body), even if the numbness never involved any sort of loss of sensation - i could feel just fine and there was no difference between my two sides, it was sort of like heaviness and tightness and general feeling of paresthesia on the left side - I also used to get headaches on the left side of my head, which were diagnosed as cervicogenic headaches due to static posture in front of computer - and my neck problems were said to be dealing the rest of the issues down this side as well. (Numbness was on and off following no particular pattern as well)

    1 year ago - I started getting something very weird with my vision - in rooms with flourescent lighting, i will see my vision flickering/flashing for a while as if someone is flicking the power switch on and off, and at other times simply flashing/pulsating for a while (It has -only- happened in artificial light, never during the day) - sometimes I have severe stinging in my eyes together with this. I have never had anything close to Optic Neuritis or pain in the eyes which comes with it, nor loss of color vision etc - and the flickering/flashing is in both eyes, so that got attributed to anxiety/or too much computer.

    1 year ago - After a fall from a chair on my waist (i am not sure if this was the reason), a day after or so in the shower, I began getting a pronounced tightness around my waist and up my abdominal muscles, as if they were spasming - the abdominal muscles were very tight and tingly, and it felt as if i have a tight belt strapped around my waist. - This continued for a while, then disappeared to a CERTAIN EXTEND, but it has been coming on and off since then. Tightness around the waist and tingling, like a belt around it - also pain sometimes, sharp pain. I DO have troubles with my waist and lower back pain due to bad posture/too much sitting, but this certainly sounds like the "MG HUG" to me.

    Those are the main symptoms, together with a plethora of more minor ones which I don't quite remember, however - what really worries me is this:

    My problems - the tightnening around the waist namely, appear to come back when I heat up or am physically active - if I am outside in the heat having a brisk walk, my waist will start hurting with sharp stabbing pains for a few seconds, then disappear (has happened once or twice), and general the tingling will come back as well (the one around the waist, not the body one) - I do not know if it's due to the WALKING itself, aka physical activity which might be harming my problems with the waist even more, or if this is MS heat sensitivity.

    I have also noticed that the episodes of flashing vision sometimes happened when I'm in the shower and having a really hot shower, which also freaked me out majorly.

    I am also having a feeling in my left leg which is like "tightnesS", that's the best way I can describe it - it just feels tight. I have no problems moving it or walking of any sort, nor is the leg weak, but it just feels tight - yet this coincidences with the fact that I have a lateral pelvic tilt on that side, which would technically make this leg a bit shorter than the other one, and the tightness is really only felt when I walk - as if the leg is stepping somewhat heavier than the other one.

    So.... here I am, not knowing what to do anymore. People keep waving anxiety and my sedentary lifestyle in my face and saying that's the reason for all my problems, yet what has been REALLY bothering of late has been the heat sensitivity. Coincidence? I don't know, or maybe brought on by my own head and anxiety? Can't tell. I am writing here with hope to get some answers or guidance on what should I do.

    I apologise for the long post and thank you all in advance.

    Hello Vasoka and welcome to MSWorld.

    I have been to several neurologists and all dismissed me pointing out the reason for my issue to be my very sedentary lifestyle and my past problems with anxiety.
    I have had 3 MRI's, 2 of the brain and 1 of C-spine, the first two w ere 2 years ago (brain and c-spine), and the last was 8 months ago - brain, again it was clear.
    The reason all of the Neurologists have dismissed Multiple Sclerosis as a cause for your symptoms is due to no evidence of the disease. This would be based on testing (MRIs) and Neurological evaluation. Without signs (evidence) of Multiple Sclerosis a diagnosis of MS cannot be made.

    There is no symptom(s) that are unique to Multiple Sclerosis. Many other conditions, some medications, and mental health issues can all cause symptoms that are seen in MS.

    A sedentary lifestyle, poor posture and anxiety can cause many symptoms. If you have not had a recent Physical with blood work you might consider doing so. If your anxiety is not being treated please seek help to do so. Be thankful MS is not the cause of your symptoms as this disease can truly suck. Take care.

    The McDonald Criteria for diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis:

    Information about diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis:

    Other conditions that can cause symptoms similar to those seen in Multiple Sclerosis:
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Im not a dr but sounds like

      Originally posted by Vasoka View Post
      Alright, I've been meaning to write a question here since a while - and here goes. I'm a 20 year old male who since 4-5 years has been dealing with something which, at least I, am sure is Multiple Sclerosis. I have been to several neurologists and all dismissed me, pointing out the reason for my issue to be my very sedentary lifestyle (I am a computer programmer and generally deal with computers a lot), and my past problems with anxiety. I believed this for some time, naturally - but lately things have been escalating.

      I have had 3 MRI's, 2 of the brain and 1 of C-spine, the first two w ere 2 years ago (brain and c-spine), and the last was 8 months ago - brain, again it was clear.

      Now, let me start off by saying that I indeed have a very sedentary lifestyle, I can spend days and nights working without going out or moving too much, sitting with quite the messed up posture at times - and I indeed have had problems with anxiety in the past, although lately I've reached a conclusion that a lot more is happening.


      4 years ago ( the start of it all) - 2 weeks of burning pain in legs which was worse at night, it got contributed to sitting too much/inactivity/bad posture/waist problems and the fact I might have sprained something, due to the fact I was going to gym at that time doing heavy weight lifting.

      3 years ago - generalised tingling/prickling/heat/cold sensations in different parts of body which initially followed no patterns whatsoever, they were generalised and happened in a period of extreme stress, but since then they have just stayed and have been here pretty much every day - the tingling is best described as a "ticklish" feeling - this got contributed to anxiety due to it's nature and the way it presented itself.

      2 years ago - I have had periods of my left side feeling numb (most problems are on my left side of body), even if the numbness never involved any sort of loss of sensation - i could feel just fine and there was no difference between my two sides, it was sort of like heaviness and tightness and general feeling of paresthesia on the left side - I also used to get headaches on the left side of my head, which were diagnosed as cervicogenic headaches due to static posture in front of computer - and my neck problems were said to be dealing the rest of the issues down this side as well. (Numbness was on and off following no particular pattern as well)

      1 year ago - I started getting something very weird with my vision - in rooms with flourescent lighting, i will see my vision flickering/flashing for a while as if someone is flicking the power switch on and off, and at other times simply flashing/pulsating for a while (It has -only- happened in artificial light, never during the day) - sometimes I have severe stinging in my eyes together with this. I have never had anything close to Optic Neuritis or pain in the eyes which comes with it, nor loss of color vision etc - and the flickering/flashing is in both eyes, so that got attributed to anxiety/or too much computer.

      1 year ago - After a fall from a chair on my waist (i am not sure if this was the reason), a day after or so in the shower, I began getting a pronounced tightness around my waist and up my abdominal muscles, as if they were spasming - the abdominal muscles were very tight and tingly, and it felt as if i have a tight belt strapped around my waist. - This continued for a while, then disappeared to a CERTAIN EXTEND, but it has been coming on and off since then. Tightness around the waist and tingling, like a belt around it - also pain sometimes, sharp pain. I DO have troubles with my waist and lower back pain due to bad posture/too much sitting, but this certainly sounds like the "MG HUG" to me.

      Those are the main symptoms, together with a plethora of more minor ones which I don't quite remember, however - what really worries me is this:

      My problems - the tightnening around the waist namely, appear to come back when I heat up or am physically active - if I am outside in the heat having a brisk walk, my waist will start hurting with sharp stabbing pains for a few seconds, then disappear (has happened once or twice), and general the tingling will come back as well (the one around the waist, not the body one) - I do not know if it's due to the WALKING itself, aka physical activity which might be harming my problems with the waist even more, or if this is MS heat sensitivity.

      I have also noticed that the episodes of flashing vision sometimes happened when I'm in the shower and having a really hot shower, which also freaked me out majorly.

      I am also having a feeling in my left leg which is like "tightnesS", that's the best way I can describe it - it just feels tight. I have no problems moving it or walking of any sort, nor is the leg weak, but it just feels tight - yet this coincidences with the fact that I have a lateral pelvic tilt on that side, which would technically make this leg a bit shorter than the other one, and the tightness is really only felt when I walk - as if the leg is stepping somewhat heavier than the other one.

      So.... here I am, not knowing what to do anymore. People keep waving anxiety and my sedentary lifestyle in my face and saying that's the reason for all my problems, yet what has been REALLY bothering of late has been the heat sensitivity. Coincidence? I don't know, or maybe brought on by my own head and anxiety? Can't tell. I am writing here with hope to get some answers or guidance on what should I do.

      I apologise for the long post and thank you all in advance.

      Im not picking on you and I really hope you don't have MS, I hope all that is the matter is that your out of shape. Maybe Ask your dr for a referral to PT, They will be able to help and also help with the one leg being longer then the other.

      At 20 years old you should be in good shape. The biggest thing is since your sedentary so much any exercise you do you have to start slow and easy or you are gonna hurt and feel worse then quit.
      I also see flickering under florescent lights, the lights flicker that's the way they work., most people don't notice it though.
      Pain on the left side of your body, if it was caused from the brain would be caused by the right side of the brain. Human brains control the opposite side of the body. Left brain right body, right brain left body. so the left sided headache is not connected with left body problems.

      Most of this does sound like being out of shape. If you are inside all the time and getting no exercise it can cause you to become sensitive to heat, When I went to japan I had to do no work for 2 weeks to get used to the heat.

      When you walk you move your hips which also moves your waist muscles. If you try to walk too fast it can give you muscle cramps and that pain sounds like a stitch like a runner gets since it does go away pretty quick. or When you fell off your chair you may have pulled something and as it healed it got tight.

      The numbness and tingling can be caused by nerves being pinched because of the way you sit. Maybe try standing up while you are working. Or take a 5 minute break every 20 minutes or so. at least rest your eyes and stand up and do small stretches.

      And you already know that one short leg can cause muscle tightness and all sorts of problems. It can also make your abdominal muscles tighter as its throwing your whole body out of wack. It can also mess up your back which can cause all your lower body symptoms.
      When you walk try to walk slower and do it a bit everyday. We always try to push ourselves because we think we can do anything but the body needs conditioning.

      I hope you don't get mad because of what I said I am only trying to help. No matter what I hope you feel better and take care of yourself Bug


        Thank you for answers

        Thank you for the answers, friends - that might indeed be the actual issue with me, even if I had tried to deny it until now.. work is work, I have to earn my money somehow.. and it's not an easy job or something which takes very little time. I might go to a PT indeed and go from there, thank you. I hope you are right indeed!


          I agree with the others that this doesn't look like MS.

          As a fellow sedentary tech worker, I recommend that you look into how much might be due to your posture/ergonomics. I had some similar problems long before MS and found my physiatrist (and the PT he recommended) to be extremely helpful.

          1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
          NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


            Final question..

            Hello, sorry to bother you again - but yesterday in the night i had a very weird case of a less than a minute sharp pain under my right ribcage and the back on the right side, more or less the entire right side of the torso.. it's the first time I got something like that, and it was very short. Does this sound like it can be connected to a MS hug of sorts? Thanks.


              I'm not as quick to dismiss your symptoms as the others. However, I do acknowledge that many symptoms could be caused by other illnesses that mimic MS, or, as has been pointed out, some could be caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

              However, some of what you describe could be neurological.

              Snoopy is correct though. Without evidence showing up on your MRI tests, neurologists are unlikely to dx MS.

              Perhaps the PT option is a good way to go for now. You will need a referral from your physician to make an appointment. And, just keep documenting symptoms. If what you are experiencing is caused by MS or something else neurological, rather than just inactivity, doctors will figure it out in time.
              ~ Faith
              MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
              (now a Mimibug)

              Symptoms began in JAN02
              - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
              - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

              - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
              - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.

