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    Hey everyone,

    So I just wanted some opinions, to those of you who have migraines... because I had never had a migraine until after I was diagnosed. And I'm on Amitriptyline (sp?) for preventative. Then I take Fioricet when the migraines are bad, but it doesn't seem to help when they are SEVERE migraines.

    I hate going to the ER about this, but I end up having to, because it gets to the point of being nauseated and can't be around light, sound, etc.

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has been through this, and if so, what you and your doctor did about it? or if you have ANY tips... because I just hate this. It seems to happen more in the 'warmer' times of the year. I'm close to Austin, TX - and it's hot here, obviously, but I don't want to be kept inside 24/7 all summer long.

    Ashley Ringstaff
    MSWorld Volunteer
    Living with MS since 8/30/10


    I get horrible migraines. Like, life changing, nausea inducing, can't think or see kind of migraines. The ONLY thing that helps is fiorinal. It's a kind of aspirin. My husband and I call it Pirin (if you've ever seen The Birdcage you'll get that reference) I've tried all the Triptan drugs (what people with migraines usually get) and they help about 0%. A doctor who gets bad migraines prescribed it for me and they've changed my life. I'm no longer out of commission for days. Hope you feel better!
    "It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate,
    I am the captain of my soul." ˜William Ernest Henley


      Thanks I'm going to talk to my neuro about it next time I see him. Because sometimes when I'm in the infusion clinic, there are people in there getting a magnesium/calcium IV - for migraines... so I was just wondering about other peoples experiences.

      Ashley Ringstaff
      MSWorld Volunteer
      Living with MS since 8/30/10


        I had horrible migraines that would last almost a year. Finally, Inderal daily helped.
        After years of no migraines I stopped. Last year, I had to re-start the Inderal and oddly, after that happened, my balance and cognitive impairment started subsiding; hasn't improved my spelling yet!

        Many people end up taking a cocktail of medications to prevent migraines. I was just persistent and kept going back because, the pain itself was driving me nuts.

        Good luck and sure hope you find what works for you! fed


          Y'all are AWESOME!

          Thank you so much for all of this advice.
          It's GREATLY appreciated.

          I don't know what my trigger is for my migraines, but since I rarely have them in the Winter, I'm going to say it's heat. Being in Texas, that's kind of hard to get away from, but we also have all the dust in the air from the windstorm in Africa? So I bet that's not helping either.

          I'm keeping notes, so that I can ask my doctor about different treatments as well. I try and control them when I can, but sometimes NOTHING helps with the Migraine starts, and I just want something to take it ALL away, kind of like my MS too! lol

          Ashley Ringstaff
          MSWorld Volunteer
          Living with MS since 8/30/10

