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sitting on bed of nails... what to do

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    sitting on bed of nails... what to do

    I honestly don't know where to turn.

    Quick rundown: MS 25 yrs, wheelchair permanently last 6, still live at home, no use of legs or left arm. My power chair does have tilt/recline.

    Long story short, I'm so uncomfortable and in pain sitting in my chair I can barely stand it. I lean forward every 45 sec or so throughout the day to relieve pressure. Right now I'm sitting on a donut because it's been the most tolerable thing I've tried. Tilting back only provides temporary relief. I'm sitting on a J2 Deep Contour. I ordered a new cushion - I was thinking Roho, but my tech steered me away because he says they're problematic - I got one that's supposed to be good for pressure relief (foam/gel/memory foam combo) that didn't help at all. I'm working with an OT but I don't know if anything will come of that.

    any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated

    Hi Melissa, Don't have any advice or suggestions, but want to let you know that I'm hoping for the best for you. The pain seems to be the worse symptom.



      Hi Melissa,

      I feel your pain. Oops, never mind, I have enough of my own.

      Sorry about that, no harm intended. Maybe you can even find a way to chuckle at it.

      I pray you can get some relief soon. I'm a 25+ year ms'er that, until a couple of years ago, never had to deal with any pain issues or serious M.S. problems. I have horrible pain in my hands and feet that require lots of Gabapentin. I wish I could help you.

      Hang in there, things will get better. I hope I didn't anger you, it was not intended.

