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Question about Symptoms?

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    Question about Symptoms?

    Please bear with me, I'm only 3 months in since my "relapse" and nearly 2 months from diagnosis (RRMS) so I'm still pretty much learning.

    The symptoms I had (all at once, suddenly) that started this process have improved (not gone, but better). The thing is though they come back in severity randomly whenever they darn well feel like it. I have noticed that the heat and humidity make them come on harder and faster, so I am sucking up the AC.

    Some days I can actually do things, clean up, play with the dog, shave my legs And I just get worn out.

    Other days I get up and the symptoms are already there in full on mode. There is a lot of mention of good days and bad days on these message boards, but I am having a hard time finding an idea of what's normal (even normal for myself).

    At first I was keeping a journal (haven't been lately because I could not find any patterns) but it really depressed me to do it. I don't want to spend time in the evening in the very few moments I have to relax to whine in a journal about yet another crappy day!

    The only thing I have actually been keeping track of is my lovely injection site reactions from the Copaxone. Not that it matters, you can see them from across the room for 3 weeks after I shoot up.

    Sorry about the long winded whine. What I am hoping for is some advice on how to deal with the roller coaster that is my new life with this MonSter.

    BTW, I am already in counceling but feel free to offer advice on what/how to discuss it because it's not helping any.


    Hello Kaitar,

    There is a lot of mention of good days and bad days on these message boards, but I am having a hard time finding an idea of what's normal (even normal for myself).
    What you posted as to your experience with symptoms coming and going along with good days and bad is normal.

    At first I was keeping a journal (haven't been lately because I could not find any patterns) but it really depressed me to do it. I don't want to spend time in the evening in the very few moments I have to relax to whine in a journal about yet another crappy day!
    For the most part you will not find a pattern. This disease, it's symptoms and how both can vary from day to day or even hour to hour is quite random.

    There is a short circuit in your internal wiring (nerves) and it can make life an adventure. Not necessarily the adventure you want or need

    I have noticed that the heat and humidity make them come on harder and faster, so I am sucking up the AC.

    You will find many with MS who are heat intolerant, cold intolerant or both.

    Some are more sensitive to temperature changes than others. Anything that causes overheating (exercise, room temperature, cleaning, cooking) can temporarily increase symptoms.

    Once you relax and cool down symptoms usually return to what is normal for you. There are cooling devices (vests, scarfs, ect.) which can help in keeping you cool. And, of course, the main one you have found...air-conditioning.

    A cool shower/bath can also be helpful, especially after exercise.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

