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Do you have similar symptoms?

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    Do you have similar symptoms?

    I have the following symptoms:

    migraines at least once a week
    joint pain that is debilitating after excursion
    burning eyes, that also feel like there is sand in them
    Charlie horses in toes and fingers
    low grade temp on most days
    stomach issues
    tingling then numbness on one side
    searing pain in one side of jaw that lasts a day
    crawling feeling across skin...usually back of neck
    feeling of dripping water on skin...usually feet
    fatigue that makes it hard to even talk, walk or care

    Originally posted by tpsprings View Post
    I have the following symptoms:

    migraines at least once a week
    joint pain that is debilitating after excursion
    burning eyes, that also feel like there is sand in them
    Charlie horses in toes and fingers
    low grade temp on most days
    stomach issues
    tingling then numbness on one side
    searing pain in one side of jaw that lasts a day
    crawling feeling across skin...usually back of neck
    feeling of dripping water on skin...usually feet
    fatigue that makes it hard to even talk, walk or care
    I have the crawling sensation but it is usually on my arms and leg, sometimes back.

    I can relate to the fatigue.

    I have stomach issue- I go see the GI doctor tomorrow

    I've had ace and pains today(most days)-but that could be bc my vitamin D is low

    I have tingling, but I have tingling all day, everyday

    For you fever, do you think you could be coming down with something?

    Hope I could help,


      Hi Renee, thank you for your reply. Fever, Im sure Im not coming down with anything. I lost my voice and had a cough for weeks so I took antibiotics. My fever was there then and now, even after antibiotics.

      It may be the inflammation from my lymphocytic colitis. My SED rate blood test was normal I don't know anything at this point.

