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Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia

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    Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia

    I started having a burning scalp around last Monday. Saw my neuro on Wednesday but forgot to mention it. On Thursday along with the burning scalp I started getting a burning feeling inside of my throat on the right side. Later my right eye started burning more towards the tear duct area but not the duct itself and it also burned on my skin right below my eye. It would swell up a little and my eye looked really glossy but it was like I was looking through wax paper. Also I felt like burning a little inside my right ear. Like flames coming out. It comes and goes throughout the day with no lessening of the symptoms.

    Does it sound like any of the two things I mentioned in the title? I have had episodes of trigeminal neuralgia before but the sharp stabbing pain was more through under my eye and in my cheek, and a little patch on my nose. Afterwards it felt like I had dental anesthetic on those areas and a little patch of my nose and a little part of my lip felt numb.

    With that being said, if it is trigeminal neuralgia it is much different than what I had experienced before.

    I was just wondering if this combo of throat, eye, and ear has happened to anyone else.

    I also had chronic sinus infections the whole year of 2008 that was remedied with surgery and this doesn't feel like sinuses either. I don't feel any pressure. I also have chronic migraines if that means anything.

    I go to my neuros office this Friday for EEG but don't know if I'll be able to speak to him since I'm not there to see him, just to get the test done by a tech. Otherwise I don't see him till June and my primary care doc is useless. I saw him on Thursday and mentioned the problem, he looked at my throat only and said it looked fine and didn't address any of the other issues.

    Any insight is appreciated!!

    It could be TN type II or a flare maybe? I had type II alternate on both sides and it was constant burning, maddeningly heavy pressure...but very few stabbing pains. It did make the eye on the affected side red and sort of watery, and my nose was sniffly on the one side too.

    Sound similar? It was painful enough that eating was quite difficult. I had 3 days of IV steroids and it started to get better 2-3 weeks after the treatment. I hope you are feeling better soon!
    RRMS 2011, Copaxone 2011-2013, Tecfidera 2013-current

