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Elevator sensation?

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    Elevator sensation?

    I wasn't sure which symptom category to put this under, but I experienced a new one today: I was standing, and when I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, it felt like when you're in a tall building's elevator, and the floor pushes up as it slows to a stop. I'm getting tired of new, "interesting" feelings all the time.

    Just when you think you've gotten the hang of this stupid disease, it has to throw you a new curveball. At least I had words to describe this one, which isn't always the case.
    Dx 07/13

    That is a great way of describing it--I know exactly what you mean, but didn't know how to explain it so clearly. It would be kind of a fun sensation (for me) if it didn't come with worry.


      Wow. You hit the nail on the head describing that one!


        I know what you mean about it being kind of fun if it weren't caused by a relentless, debilitating disease. And this is such a great place for sharing these kinds of things. There always seems to be other people here who can validate that I'm not nuts. There was a thread recently about auditory experiences that help make me feel just a bit saner, too. Thanks!
        Dx 07/13


          orthostatic hypotension?

          Does this ever happen when you stand up? Measure your blood pressure upon standing and then after the "elevator" sensation....if your autonomic system isn't functioning well, your blood vessels in your legs may not be getting the message to constrict when you stand. Then they overcompensate and it produces that sensation of "rushing" that I get some times.
          CIS DX 2013


            elevator sensation

            that sums it up very first presenting symptoms were vision problems. But after a few years, whenever I changed the level of my head (going up or down stairs, especially going in an elevator or escalator) I would experience varying degrees of dizziness with the accompanying vertigo. That went away for quite some time (woohoo!) only to have it show it's ugly face about a year ago. One can only hope it will go away again...
            You can call me a dizzy broad! You gotta laugh!!


              I call it standing on the dock. Sometimes it feels like the world (the dock, the elevator floor) is moving and sometimes it feels like I am. Touching something (the wall, a chair, a person) can help, but not always.

              This one is my constant companion.


                I got this one a lot before I was diagnosed and walking around the hospital floor it felt like it was rippling. Craziest thing I had ever felt, nobody understood it.

                Good description though!

                Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
                SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


                  I get a feeling that the floor is pitching slightly like sea legs when you return to odd yawning roll or shift. It is worse if I stand still.
                  RRMS 2011, Copaxone 2011-2013, Tecfidera 2013-current


                    I get this exact same feeling and I can never find the words to describe it! You found the best way to describe it! Its really irritating I have that symptom and occasional dizziness for about 3 years now. The lightheaded/elevator feeling is almost everyday. I've done vestibular therpy, meclizine, went on 5 steroid infusion and felt pretty good during the infusion but after I felt worse. Felt better for a few days then right back to how I have been feeling for the past years! The stress is just overwhelming trying to deal with this and not getting any answers on what can be causing it.


                      I get this frequently, especially when I drive. I am still waiting in an official diagnosis but I have had orthostatic hypotension for 10 years. If you stand up quickly and get dizzy or if your blood pressure drops when you stand up you might have it. My cardiologist put me on adderall for it and it helps a ton. I also have fairly low blood pressure all the time and it helps raise it. However, the adderall does not help with my new dizziness that I think is probably MS. Mine is more of a sensation of having just gotten off a boat and my eyes also feel like they are vibrating.

                      Kinda funny story - I got rid of my last car bc I thought the alignment was off. i took it to 3 mechanics and no one could find anything wrong with the alignment. Of course, they all found other things wrong and each place found something totally different that they said just had to be fixed. I thought they were nuts that they did not feel how bad the alignment was off. I got a new car, then a few months later it started happening with my new car. Then I said " Holy ****, this is me, not the car!!".



                        Did you ever try stamping with one foot and then the other? Sometimes helps me. One of my feet won't stamp, but I do the best I can.


                          I get a feeling that the floor is pitching slightly like sea legs when you return to odd yawning roll or shift.
                          Yes, that's about right... and it is worse when i'm tired.. Like right now, which probably explains the nausea.

                          Thanks for the description, total AH HA moment!


                            Me too

                            Originally posted by holgar View Post
                            Kinda funny story - I got rid of my last car bc I thought the alignment was off. i took it to 3 mechanics and no one could find anything wrong with the alignment. Of course, they all found other things wrong and each place found something totally different that they said just had to be fixed. I thought they were nuts that they did not feel how bad the alignment was off. I got a new car, then a few months later it started happening with my new car. Then I said " Holy ****, this is me, not the car!!".
                            Yeah I get that too, I do my own auto repairs still so I knew it wasn't the car and it is not fun. Now if I get a cop following me I have to turn off and wait for him to pass because I'm sure if they followed me they would suspect I had been drinking!

