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Increase in periods?

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    Increase in periods?

    My last cycle was just 24 days apart, and I started again today, just 18 days since the last.

    Can a increase in periods be from Tysabri too??
    DX: RRMS Jan 2010 -- LDN: Mar 2010-Dec 2010, Tysabri: Feb 2011 reaction, Gilenya: Aug 2011 reaction, Copaxone: Oct 2011 reaction, Tecfidera: May 2013 reaction

    i had that happen once while on tysabri--but only once.
    i had 2 periods between the 2 (24) day infusions..mormally i'm on a pretty regular 28 day cycle for my period.just once it happened to me so i can't know if tysabri caused it--although tysabri is the most easily blamed for any changes.

    i do keep track on the calender both my infusions and my periods---i think you have to do that to see if its a change that ty caused or just a blip in your cycle.

    in the transcripts by the fda that approved ty to go back to marketing---one side affect that a frew reported was disruption in menstraul cycle.

    if its happening that would be a tolerable side affect. considering this is treating a pretty serious illness to prevent disability & if a immunosuppresant is used it will through a woman into early menapause.

    i think that is something you will have to chart over time before you can say if its a ty side affect...i do know you have been been very anxious about starting ty--so anxiety alone can cause a disruption in the menstraul cycle. tough to say yet if its a ty side affect for you yet.

    i get heavier bleeding during my cycle if my ty infusion was the week before my period...but i don't seem to have issues with my period if i do my ty infusion a week after my period..


      heavier period

      Originally posted by 0485c10 View Post
      i get heavier bleeding during my cycle if my ty infusion was the week before my period
      I think this happened to me last month. My 4th infusion was on 9/15. On 9/19 I started the longest & heaviest period I've had in a long time.

      I just turned 50. My cycle has been less regular & bleeding has been lighter & not lasted as long as it used to for quite awhile. Suddenly last month a much heavier & longer period.

      Maybe an effect of the Ty? I will be on the lookout for another one next month.

      People have said Ty can bring on early menopause. Can it also delay it??


        Daisy's cycle pre-Ty

        Daisy, how many days apart were your periods before you started Tysabri?

