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Crash between infusions

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    Crash between infusions

    Hi all:

    I'm about to have my third infusion in two days...but honestly the last few days I have felt horrendous. Extremely tired, my leg is dragging, and even a little vertigo/dizziness thrown in for good measure .

    I love Tysabri, I'm glad I decided to switch from an interferon, but since Sunday its been hard to function. Going to work yesterday took extra time because I'm in such a fog and having such a hard time. Hubs went with me to vote this morning, and thankfully we could walk to our polling site but it took forever and my leg dragged the entire time.

    Typically my leg doesn't bother me unless I'm super tired, which might have been part of it but I was so discouraged. I'm happy that I'm off today!!

    I've heard that lots of Ty users have a tough time the last few days before an infusion.....what has your experience been? I'm not planning to change meds or anything I just wonder if there is anyone else who has struggled with the same issue.


    msesq, I have the same type reaction when its time for my next infusion. I've been on ty for a while and it is less pronounced now than it used to be. Still the next day the fatigue and coordination issues resolve and I'm back to "normal". ie can get in and out of my wc with less help.
    Dale in NC, dx'ed 2000, now SPMS



      I was on Ty for 3 yrs. I eventually started noticing that I developed "problems/symptoms" about 5-7 days before my next infusion. It did not happen EVERY time, but it did happen. Hope you feel a bit better BEFORE your next Ty infusion!
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


        I used to say I was jonesing for my infusion about 3-5 days before I got it. That happened for appox 2 years Then for around 3 1/2 yrs I went to every 6 weeks and was fine. Somewhere around 5 1/2 yrs I started at the RMMSC, my neuro wanted me back on every 28 days-said no reason not to and that was stated as the best efficacy-so that's what I do but, would really like to be infused every 56 days as I think my body would be fine with it.

        Long story to say hang in there-I've been where you are

        Good luck

