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Morning Dry Heaves

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    Morning Dry Heaves

    I am on week 5 and most of my side effects are minimal. I had flushing (like I was being stung by bees), vomitting, diarrhea, nausea, cramping, runny nose, hair loss. I also have a loud ringing in one of my ears that would come on with the flushing but at this point, it is constant.

    I'm trying to figure out/manage these dry heaves I have each morning. I happens anywhere between 3 am and 8 am. The rest of the day I'm somewhat fine but do usually have to eat some saltines, mint, gingerale for a little upset stomach in the afternoon.

    I thought it was because my stomach was empty but it sometimes happens as much as an hour or so after I eat. (I am doing the suggested fat/protein/peanut butter with the med)

    Has anyone had this symptom and been able to get it under control? It will really interfere with my ability to get everyone out of the house and off to work. TIA

    oh've had quite the list of side effects. I don't have any advice for you, I am sorry. I haven't seen anything about dry heaves. I hope you get some of luck!
    dx 2002 rebif 2002-2013 Tecfidera 2013

