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Starting next week - some wonderings ?

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    Starting next week - some wonderings ?

    I am starting dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) on Wednesday. From the research I've done (being an herbalist and very excited about taking something so natural) - dimethyl fumarate is changed to monomethyl fumarate in the gut - hence the digestive distress.

    It makes sense to me that supplemental probiotics would ward off a lot of this distress. Does anyone have evidence of this?

    I also am hoping to have a meal plan in effect. I am plant based (vegan with no oils or high fat). So, I am wondering if I need to alter my eating. I'm not a big breakfast eater - So far planned to make my low fat granola and bolster it with nuts and seeds for breakfast to eat with fruit and soy or almond milk. I also thought about tofu scramble and toast - I guess I'm wondering would these types of meals be enough fat?

    Also, what kinds of snacks do you typically eat through the day? Would fruit be enough? or do you specifically need protein/fat?

    Thank you so much for your input

    I have been on Tec for over four months now, knock wood, no side effects at all. I prefer all natural, I have never taken a probiotic with Tec. I'm not vegetarian, but I shy away from high fat and I'm allergic to dairy

    I take Tec with breakfast, usually an English muffin, and a banana. I have eggs and toast sometimes instead. I would say staying hydrated is a must-I drink about 110oz of water a day. Lunch is usually a salad with balsamic vinegar or a small amount of dressing, then I have a small snack, then dinner which is usually chicken and loads of veggies. I take my last dose of Tec at 8, it's always been on an empty stomach. Again, knock wood, no side effects for me at all.

    Good luck and God Bless.



      Thank you Mkc3031 - I guess I need to just experiment and see how low fat I can go and still ward off the effects. I feel more confident with your input

