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    Hello friends, yesterday I wrote about the fears I have about starting Tec.

    Today, I write about the reality.

    In preparation to start on Sunday, I opened the bottles to look at the pills, just to make it real and get my mind ready.

    I looked at the 240's. I have swallowing problems. Things get stuck often. I haven't taken a capsule this size since.... well, it seems like never. It will get stuck, I can tell you that right now with utmost certainty. There are a lot of foods I do not eat due to my swallowing problems. There are a lot of meds I have to get prescribed specifically considering the capsule size (I take 8 100 mg gabapentin in stead of one or two of a larger mg capsule).

    Has anyone else had to address this issue? I would think it would be a pretty big one in a population of people with a disease that causes swallowing problems.

    I don't take Tec, but I have severe swallowing problems and take some big pills. I use apple sauce to take my pills instead of water (tip from my speech therapist) and all of the pills slide right down. Pudding works too, but applesauce works the best.

    Best of luck!

    Moderation Team
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      Hi Lisa, thank you for the suggestion! I have tested this method, using one of my husband's giant fish oil bombs, which I would NEVER attempt to swallow.... ever. But, I popped it in a spoonful of applesauce and went for it, following that spoonful with another and another. I am sorry to report that it is stuck... I will soon be belching fish and screaming with heartburn and chest pain, which is what happens when something sticks.

      Darn it.


        I had terrible problems swallowing for years! Food and pills! I went for a "cookie" swallow test and they actually saw a pill get stuck! I ended up with a referral to a GI doc, who did an endoscopy and stretched my throat. Just had it done in March- right in time to start Tec. I would've never been able to swallow these before- but now I am! Clearly it could be something different- but I'm so glad I pursued help! I should've gone years ago!! A reprieve from embarrassing dinners out when something gets stuck and I'd have to excuse myself. I just never realized there are things they can do- and I'm very grateful! I'd suggest exploring the swallowing problem- see if there are any options for help. I know that experience of a stuck food or pill, it's awful. My thoughts are with you- hope a solution presents itself.
        Dx June 13, 2012- Tysabri July 2012-March 2013. Tecfidera April 2013-present.


          Hey Shark, thank you for sharing your experience with swallowing. It must have been a great relief for you to achieve better swallowing capabilities.

          I have also had swallowing studies done, which led to speech therapy. They identified the problem as the mechanism that works to get the items swallowed from here to there is delayed and sometimes spastic. So through some hard work we did get me swallowing better, but with a warning to eat hard things in itty bitty bites and no nuts, hard candies... the things I could aspirate. Especially were warnings to be super vigilant with pills because stuck in place for too long and they can cause some damage.

          I am waiting to hear back from the neuro on this one, I don't know if there is a solution or not.


            Sorry to hear- I hope the neuro has a solution. The 240s are huge!! Sending hopeful thoughts your way!
            Dx June 13, 2012- Tysabri July 2012-March 2013. Tecfidera April 2013-present.


              Thank you Shark!

              The neuro got back to me today and after reviewing my swallowing studies and discussing how my swallowing is at this point, he came to the decision that it is not safe for me to go on to the 240's. They are just too big and getting one stuck would be darn unpleasant I'm sure.

              So, it'll be on to the next idea at some point.

              My hope is that Tec will give those with RRMS relief from relapses and progression.


                Could you take 2 120's? You are probably not the only one with this issue. It might be worth a call to Biogen to ask if they could supply it that way. Good luck.


                  Hi honey, that is an excellent question, and is one I also asked of my neuro. "it's not the same" is the answer, I don't know why, but would like to know why! Must have something to do with the time release formula or some such thing.

