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Two months in

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    Two months in

    Hello all,

    I haven't posted for a few weeks but I thought I'd let you all know how things are now. I started the Tec in May, and a few weeks into it, I had pretty uncomfortable GI issues-seriously thought about stopping. I went to see a GI doctor and he told me I could double my acid reflux medication for a while and take Gas-X when I needed it. For a few more weeks I still had issues and I thought, if I'm still like this in the morning, I'm not taking it anymore (or maybe go down to just one pill a day and see how that goes). Anyway, I hung on after my Neuro said that the side effects really seem to abate after the second month (two months seemd like eternity then). Anyway, two months in, I'm back to normal for me. One pill for the reflux in the morning keeps everything under control. Hope things pick up like that for the rest of you.

    Should have mentioned that I started doing something called diaphragmatic breathing. It's supposed to help with the reflux-thought it couldn't hurt and it may have helped.


      Originally posted by bbelaine View Post
      Hello all,

      I haven't posted for a few weeks but I thought I'd let you all know how things are now. I started the Tec in May, and Anyway, two months in, I'm back to normal for me. One pill for the reflux in the morning keeps everything under control. Hope things pick up like that for the rest of you.
      Thanks for the update. I am so happy it is working for you! I am going on week 3 and have stopped the baby aspiring AND my Priolosec... but I still take my probiotic in the morning. I think that is helping more than anything else handle the stomach side effects. It is SOOOOO nice just swallowing a couple of pills every day instead of taking injections. Easier to travel, easier to me "out" at night. I'm praying this pill does what is says it can!


        Thats good news. Hope you continue to do well.
        God Bless Us All

