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Ocrevus as first med?

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    Ocrevus as first med?

    Wondering if any others newly diagnosed have only been on Ocrevus? Anyone had this as their first and only med?
    DX 3/2018; started Ocrevus 3/30/18 (EDSS 2.5)

    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
    - 2 Corinthians 4:16

    Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
    Wondering if any others newly diagnosed have only been on Ocrevus? Anyone had this as their first and only med?
    When I was newly diagnosed in June of 2010, my neurologist STRONGLY encouraged me to choose Tysabri since it had shown to have the highest efficacy at the time. Since you are newly diagnosed, IMHO, I would recommend the same. Right now, the infusions, Ocrevus and Tysabri, have the highest efficacy, so this is where you want to be. They both have the highest potential to slow down, if not completely stop the inflammation. Until the inflammation is slowed or stopped, you will continue to progress, and your body won’t have the opportunity to heal. I, personally, wouldn’t waste my time with any of the other DMD’s. Hit the MonSter hard!


      This is a wonderful opportunity for you. Seize it!


        I completely agree with ru4cats and palmtree ! I have been on Tysabri since 10/2006. My only regret is that I could not have started it 2 years earlier when no one would have guessed I even had ms.


          newly diagnosed and just started Ocrevus..

          Hi there - thank you for this thread and that post lindaincolorado! I so needed to read every word of that.

          I had my first half dose infusion for Ocrevus two days ago & I was diagnosed ten weeks ago today. I’m scared and hopeful all at the same time.

          Just thank you!

          Originally posted by lindaincolorado View Post
          I completely agree with ru4cats and palmtree ! I have been on Tysabri since 10/2006. My only regret is that I could not have started it 2 years earlier when no one would have guessed I even had ms.


            I'm glad you chose to take a tier 1 drug. Good luck! New ones are on the way, and I know your decision will serve you well.


              couldn't agree more.
              Why take a knife to a gun fight?


                First treatment Ocrevus

                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                Wondering if any others newly diagnosed have only been on Ocrevus? Anyone had this as their first and only med?
                Hey, I was just diagnosed a month and a half ago and started Ocrevus this Monday. It seems like the right way to go, but what has your experience been? I am not excited about any of this. But I am hoping the treatment gets me back to normal or as close to normal as I will get.


                  Oh how I wish it had been around when I was first diagnosed in 2006. Believe me progression is what you want to stop! I wish I had those years back. Good luck to you. you're doing the best thing.


                    Originally posted by smalltowngirl
                    Wondering if any others newly diagnosed have only been on Ocrevus? Anyone had this as their first and only med?
                    Not me. My first DMT was copaxone, which I wasted a year on and it did nothing.

                    But I've heard/read that it's increasingly common for neurologists to recommend Ocrevus for people being initially diagnosed. (Though Ocrevus is new, the side-effect risk so far is saying that there isn't much concern about side effects.)

                    The logic is: Why waste time on a cheaper/less effective DMT drug just to have the patient accumulate lesions/brain damage -- why not start off with a far more effective DMT drug like Ocrevus?

                    If you believe in the DMT idea of dealing with the disease (and it's hard to argue with the stats!), that logic makes sense -- to everyone except private, for-profit health insurance corporations looking to make the maximum amount of money for their wealthy shareholders/owners and who don't really care if you/we suffer brain damage or not.
                    59M / RRMS / Dx1987 / Ocrevus

